Friday, September 15, 2006


REFRESHING, adj. Meeting a man who believes all he reads in the papers.

2006 Update: Corrosive.


Minka said...

*reaches summit, unravels a flag and sticks the thing with a big grin into the earth, "Iceland was here first!" escapes her lips*

G said...

Representing Queens - in all manners "refreshing" of course.

TLP said...

Re-freshing: Making dinner out of yesterday's leftovers, which were left over from the day before that. See Thanksgiving turkey. Also Does it ever end?

Sar said...

My shower this morning was refreshing.

The Jersey Turnpike I'll be hitting in a matter of hours? Not so much.

Happy Friday, Doug & buddies.

Anonymous said...

Refreshing: Viagra?

Charlene Amsden said...

Refreshing? Ask again when I have air conditiong.

Anonymous said...

Rwfreshing, adj. Meeting a man who doesn't believe all he hears on Fox News.

Jamie Dawn said...

A shower with Irish Spring.

Anonymous said...

Wefweshing: slipping into something more comfowatable.

Indeterminacy said...

Refreshing: The next best thing to be if you can't be original.

Charlene Amsden said...

Okay, I'm at work. I have airconditioning.

refreshing n. subzero temperatures in my classroom this morning

balance n.

whining syn. continuous

The amoeba said...

Ambrose Bierce knew Will Rogers? I guess they did overlap ... but, enough?

REFRESHING, adj. Waking Ambrose. I take Visa, Mastercard, American Express ...


mireille said...

Right now? Honestly? Going back to bed for another four hours. xoxo

The Violent Vixen said...

Refreshing: knowing that I can play games just as well as any guy!
Also, Listening to Rammstein instead of a lecture in German :)

Doug The Una said...

That's refreshing, Minka. And quoting Gibran is never a bad idea, either.

Brian, cheap shots are appropriate Saturday-Thursday too.

G, sounds like shaved ice to me.

TLP, the old Tetrazinni paradox.

Sar, shooting from a rolled-down window in traffic is pretty refreshing. Mangia!

Puppybrose, that and silence have similar effects.

Jenna, it hasn't rained here since May, I think. It sounds refreshing to me.

OK, Quill. How about now?

Andrew, or seeing an old friend.

A mite too strong, Jamie Dawn.

Puppybrose, I think you should just go ahead and change your name to Lily.

Indie, and then what's next best to that?

Quilly, subfreezing is good for Nevada. Not that you aren't welcome to complain further.

O Ceallaigh, I knew someone would go that way. It breaks my heart it was you.

Mireille, are you looking for permission?

Solace, a teenager who speaks German and doesn't play video games is bracing too.

Doug The Una said...

Sorry, Solace. I think I channeled Uncle Doug there for a second. *slaps own wrist*

G said...

Now that would be The Lemon Ice King of Corona Quenns! No trip to New York City should be complete without a visit there.

tsduff said...

Refreshing: That blast of salty ocean air as you stagger, green and wretching, out into the wind on the rolling ferry...

Logophile said...

Refreshing~ Watching Uncle Doug slap himself.
Curmudeonly and yet cool?
what are the odds?

Anonymous said...

The first day was refreshing, Doug. Then...the temperature dropped 4C. I'm wearing Polar Fleece! And...gasp! they're calling for...SNOW!!! This is not refreshing at all. No, no, no.

Plus the other guy in my department has put on the A/C. I can't feel my toes it's that refreshing in this damn office. *exhales to see if she can see her breath...not yet*

Kyahgirl said...

cackling away at refreshing = Corrosive

Since you live in the land of plastic people, you would know these things I suppose. People 'refresh' their faces by subjecting them to acid peels...ugh.
I'm so glad I'm a dog.

Kyahgirl said...

p.s. to have to get over it. Autumn was Wednesday, we've moved on to winter now. Get out your boots.

FelineFrisky said...

Refreshing - Young people with manners, around my way, it's rare. Or a frosty adult beverage by the pool, also refreshing. When you can't get one, the other will do - the beverage, I mean. D

Mistress Anna said... it corrosive..maybe if you mix it wiht coke? hmmmm

Mistress Anna said...

Kyah, Jen... Ya icey rain this morning...definately a little too refreshing. Hey look at the bright side we can take out the mukluks. Whoohoo...

Minka said...

Jenna darlin´, where the heck are you. It is not even that cold here and My country gave the name to anything cold.
*sends her a blanket*

ups, better make this comment to do with refreshing before it gets deleted by the rules-patrol over here!
hmm Icleandic tradition after having been in a hot-pot for half an hour. You go out and roll yourself in the snow. It is very refreshing indeed.

Anonymous said...

Kyah, Anna & I are all in Alberta, Canada...province of perpetual weather changes. Brrr. I'm going to have to put on my heat this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh and the blanket is most welcome Minka.

Kyahgirl said...

we could completely take over Doug's blog with discussions of 'refreshing' weather :-)

Hi Anna, you have mukluks? Cool. I just have a parka and Sorrels.

Minka, I can't believe what you're saying...generally you have way colder weather than us. Enjoy your hot thanks. I'm sure Jenna would like it though as she's always prancing around here naked anyway

Kyahgirl said...

oh, and Brian...thanks for sending us warm thoughts from Florida.

Mutha said...

Refreshing: When "Freshing" does not take the first time.

What can I has been a very long week.

Anonymous said...

ReFraîching: adding more Crème.

Anonymous said...

refreshing: cheeky fellow, part deux?

Doug The Una said...

G, I'll put that on my lengthening list.

Terry, that does sound nice!

Logo, the don't make sour old cusses like me anymore.

Sorry, Jenna, but it sounds like heaven to me.

Kyah! I'm so used to that I didn't even think of that angle. Yeah, the cookie-cutters are just 30 minutes down the 405.

Frisky, you left out Unicorns.

Thank you, Brian.

Mistress Anna, I'm having a fresca right now.

Minka, shall we go through the comments of yours that weren't deleted, Missy?

Kyahgirl, hold that thought.

Mutha, but it's Friday now, by golly. And isn't that refreshing?

Lilybrose, is it twoo?

TLP said...

Refreshing: What all the young women are doing standing at the mirror of the nightclub restroom, right before closing time when the lights come up.

What all the men need to be doing at the same time, but are not.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha TLP!

Doug you want our cold weather? It's yours. I haven't removed my polar fleece yet and I've been home for 4 hours.

Minka said...

Missy? You better watch out!

Charlene Amsden said...

Refreshing -- Friday at 3:35 p.m. (the dismissal bell rings at 3:30)

Doug The Una said...

TLP, if we couldn't trust your perfume to hide our odor we might behave better that way.

a4g, I haven't been to Point Five in a while, I didn't know you did that. Funny,

Thanks, Jenna and it worked, while there are no clouds overhead the weather dropped from the 100s (F) to the high 70s today. Much obliged.

Minka, no further provocations. I've learned my lesson.

Quill, so how come it took you until almost 5 to get here? Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Anything for you Doug. Now...reciprocate and send that warm weather here. Now that would be refreshing.

Charlene Amsden said...

Doug -- sorry, I didn't come straight home from school. Am I grounded?

The Violent Vixen said...

I guess I'll just keep letting you think I was talking about video games... anyway, it's my professor's choice to let us watch Rammstein music videos... she likes them more than we do. Aparently you learn a language better by listening to songs in it... go figure.
And why I just felt the need to defend all that, I don't know... Ahh I think I need to get some sleep...

Omnipotent Poobah said...

refreshing - The act of turning something old and stale into something new and stale.

Doug The Una said...

Jenna, it didn't get there yet? Fedex takes P.O. boxes, right?

Quill, you better not be wearing make-up!

Haha, Solace. Fair enough. Schlaft gut.

Poobah, terrific definition. You get today's tiara.

Charlene Amsden said...

Don't worry, Doug, it always pretty much wears off by afternoon.

Anonymous said...

TLP, I've never been at a night club at closing time, but if it's true that they turn on the lights, that's a shame. times haven't change much since Cindarella.


Anonymous said...

anything that is not the same old thing.

It would be "refreshing" if I could come to Dougs web site one morning at three am and be the first commenter.

Doug The Una said...

Ha! OK, Quilldancer! Then I won't ask an accounting for the missing two hours.

Funny, Ariel. Aren't they afraid the candles will burn out by the next morning?

Cooper, a boy needs his beauty sleep. Try 3:30-4.

Charlene Amsden said...

Well, Doug, 20 minutes of the two hours was spent at the mailboxes trying to help a blind lady find her dropped keys while her dog contemplated ripping my throat out.

The human brain is very interesting. As I was calmly and patiently telling the woman, "Step to your left; now inch your right foot forward -- no, your other right foot ..." I was also contemplating how my obituary might read, "Dog Mauls Teacher as She Helps Blind Woman ..." and -- at the same time -- 1.) wondering why I hadn't already gotten in my car and driven away; 2.) wondering why I (a perfectly normal person) always find myself in sitcom situations; 3.) wondering if I would ever be left alone, old and helpless, to depend upon the charity of some stranger.

Doug The Una said...

Quill, that's what every obituary says. I think your sitcom situation tendency will prevent your being alone, or at least, old. I have to admit the image is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Making yourself smell good enough to be in mixed company.