Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Lawyer, n. One skilled in circumvention of the law.

2005 Update: A priest to the godless, advisor to the deranged, treasurer to the bankrupt and constant companion of the unfaithful. Both the doctor and the lawyer can trace their profession to ancient barbers; in the lawyer's case, John the Baptist's.


M said...

Here's another twist:
Originally derived from early Roman law, meaning “liar,” term has evolved over the years to include other derivatives, including Latin for “scoundrel,” Italian for “shyster,” Greek for “con-artist” and early Texan for “piece of horse poop.”

Don't look at me...I found it somewhere on the net!! :)

Doug The Una said...

Excellent work, Manjusha. Every antisocial hermit profits from a bright-eyed young apprentice, even if society suffers from the association. I've been thinking of running a contest and you've convinced me. I'll put it up in the next day or two.

Unknown said...

Okay...interesting to say the least and humorous to say the most...

Doug The Una said...

Tiger, huh? what? Thanks for dropping by.

Spiritdancer! Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm a fan.

Jin, Based on your comment, you'll be the one I'll call, too. No hate, snarky love. Thanks for stopping by.