DRAMATIST, n. One who adapts plays from the French.
2006 Update: Every child sixteen and under or over, forsooth and lo!
Announcement: I bet you noticed the new button in my sidebar that looks like this:
. You know you want one too. I'm here to tell you about an opportunity you simply can't afford to pass by. Goa'uld, daughter of Dddragon, is writing, producing, directing and cinematographing a flash animation called The Revenge of The Geek. She is auditioning voice actors and the reward, beyond the chance to do something meaningful while you yet draw breath, ah the reward- this button. Click on it and follow the instructions to get your own. Thank you for your cooperation. By the way, anyone who beats me out for the Darth Vader gig gets a light saber where the sun normally wouldn't shine.
Just sayin'
Substitute Penquin here!!
And I've got two dramatists here. Well, Salem is pretty dramatic at times, too. Chatham is rolling his eyes.
dramatist: useful writer who gives job to lots of people.
regarding that side bar button: according to Goa'uld's site, "...auditions will be held through the rest of june". the *rest* of june?? THE REST OF JUNE!!??? aieee!! apparently, unless some of us can figure out how to audition today (and by "today" i mean TODAY) that little button on your side-bar is one day short of belonging in the moot bin. the moot bin i tell you, THE MOOT BIN!!
i'm no dramatist, but i play one on WA.
Fifth? I'm fifth?!? I can't be fifth! I should be first. FIRST!!!
Pffft. Whatever.
*sniffles, flings self onto couch and begins to cry* Why am I never first? *sigh*
Dramatist: The second greatest common denominator in the world...for after being human, aren't we all dramatist...creating the daily acts of the play that is our life.
Dramatist: Our boy #2...the greatest actor not employed in the craft.
Dramatist: Isn't that a new perfume? Let's ask Kyah.
1. An artist - or in many circles, an artiste - who visibly lives the credo "it can't get verse". Explaining why no playwright since Shakespeare has been able to get away with dialogue that rhymes.
2. One who demands primacy in the comment box of Waking Ambrose, and thinks Iceland to be a great place to go to achieve that primacy. Until she gets there. Oh, and Happy Canada Day.
Memo to Bookworm. What's all this, letting a trombonist grab all the glory? Even if she does have an impossibly cute cartoon? Trumpeters first!!
Dramatist: Lacking sense of humor, e.g. a realist.
(I tried to make a comment yesterday but the fairy made it vanish).
FINALLY figured out that "a" tag problem. argh.
Dramatist: a once noble profession replaced in recent times by a caste of flawlessly good-looking people who have a tendency to study Eastern religions, or made-up Scientologies.
Melodramatist: a voice actor who wants to be Darth Vader.
"TADAAAAA!" *making dramatic entrance*
"Hark! What delights will we indulge in today? Will we be clever - nay, brilliant - or will we forsake all semblance of decency and, using our words like daggers, plunge them into each other's hearts with no remorse, no pity, like common curs scrabbling in the dark cobbled alleys for a dry bone. Beware, beware, I implore you, forsake not your sweetness nor your pity. Be kind, I say!"
*Blows kisses in the air to audience, then walks off backstage to join other dramatis personae*
*Lights dim, then go off as the dramatist quietly hangs himself*
ephyd: Shakespeare's middle name
Bravo! Bravo!
encore! encore!
A Note to All: Goa'uld and Bookworm will be leaving Sunday for a Girl Scout trip to Mexico, and will be gone for two weeks. I'm guessing that she meant "end of July", not June. I'll ask her about it.
Well done, Dddragon. I notice you have two dramatists and a sleep disorder. Coincidence?
Ariel, that would make the blogger the dramatist of philanthropy.
Puppybrose, Goa'uld wrote that June 17 and no-one noticed until, oh, Tuesday. I bet auditions are still open.
G, it's every perfume. Ask Mireille.
A trumpeter, too, O Ceallaigh? You have impoverished "nerd" and left it bloodless. Bookworm's pretty glorious, too, but more Geek-lite it seems.
Indie, Blogger is a virtual fairy factory.
Jake, I am quick'd! Will no-one rid me of this meddlesome priest?
But soft, what light thro' yonder window breaks? 'Tis the East and Karma should be wearing clothes, shouldn't she?
G, no flowers to throw? Ask the hairdresser.
Ariel, I see you've taken a spot in the balcony.
Thanks, Dddragon. She just got my audition this week and sounded surprised that I moved so fast so I'm guessing you're right. Tell the girls the Una says have fun.
DRAMATIST, n., People who act like babies when you don't treat them like royal adults. Most are enchanted with themselves. They should be enchanted with me. ME! Not to get dramatic about it.
Also see, I've known a few.
Lots of real dramatist where I go to school or at least that is what they are supposed to be.
It should be dramartist as it is an art.
Ignored! I was ignored!!!!!!!! Say it isn't so, Douglas. Say. It. Isn't. so. A stab to the heart. To. The. Heart!!!
*sobs into hands*
He's arranging them.
TLP, you make them sound rare. Not enchanted with you? What madness is this?
Cooper, I can only imagine going to school in New York. For some reason your comment brings to mind your former roommate's underwear.
JENNA! You and Joel!!! BAD SCROLLING, PASCOVER!!! I can only harm myself badly to clear the shame of what I've done to you. Let's see- the rabbit goes 12 times around the hole? I can't even tie a noose right! There we go.
Before I step off the chair:
A fifth of Jenna sounds grand to me.
Joel, are you sure Neva doesn't have his headshot circulating?
OK, fare well to this world of pain that turned me cruel!
Geek-lite, eh? Well, folk had better be careful about light geeks and bloodness nerds. Because, as with any good dramatist, we know all about entrances and timing. Awaiting just the right moment to pronounce:
"Yeah, my sister's an evil twin. And she plays the sackbutt.
Hahaha, G. I look forward to meeting you one day but I'll have to apologize to your husband 10,000 times.
Dramatists abound at WA. I shall retire to the balcony with Ariel and enjoy the show. :-)
O'C, thanks! Its tomorrow and we'll be whooping it up I'm sure!
ROFL O Ceallaigh!
Dramatist: They gay metro dude (not that there's anything wrong with it!) several seats down from me who just yelled profanitites into his cell phone while his partner fumed because our flight is now delayed 5 hours. And counting.
Thank whoever for laptops, WiFi, and blogsphere. *sigh*
One who engages is megalomanic activity. See George Bush.
Dissed by Doug...my weekend ruined...is it something with "J" names perhaps? A rare form of dyslexia effecting only the hook like 10th letter of the alphabet? Is there more to be read into this slight of scroll?
Jenna- Don't be so dramatic... Dog's are color blind, and paws must be difficult to scroll with.
It’s sackbut, not sackbutt! Hmph, all trumpeters are the same...(:-P)
...well, anyway, Doug’s right on the reason why it says “June” and not “July”...but of course, I do not have enough voices yet, so the auditions will continue through July.
But it is true, that Doug will be Darth Vader, unless Jame Earl Jones auditions...
Gasp! Jake! Cruel, cruel, cruel...(whispers) cruel. *sigh, wipes away the stray tear* I am not dramatic. I am *stamps foot* not!!
Oh Doug...how Romeo of you. I swooned. SWOONED!!
Dramatist: one who practices baboonary *sticks nose in air* Hmmph!
Dramatist: attention grabber
Haha, O Ceallaigh. Go get'em. They both have a good sense of humor. And probably don't need your help to stir things up, but I bet you didn't slow things down either.
Kyahgirl, there's nothing more American than to wish you and Jenna a Happy Canada Day on the wrong day.
Sar, to keep you entertained, we're gonna do Uncle Vanya next.
Mistress Anna, see Human?
Joel, a thousand apologies. ten thousand. one hundred thousand apologies! Have a nice weekend.
Thank you, Jake. I think the struggling rabbit in my teeth blocked my vision, too.
Goa'uld, I'd thank you but I don't want to step out of character. Chhoooo Haaaa.
Jenna, eep eep.
Puppytoes, you mean like your husband? I need to make him feel better. Where are his soft spots?
Hey A trombone player!!! In the folly of my youth I decided to be a Jazz Trombone Player. Not much of a market there so I switched to reggae, and now look where I ended up
Oh the Drama and Irony of it all!
Back with a definition, when I actually have one
bmgps -- Bring More Goose PartS
Gasp! Doug...Anna is Canadian too!!! You forgot my friend!! You cannot forget one who has put up with my melodramas since I was five. Holy...moly. That's almost 30 years...*thud*
Also ... one who adapts life from the French. How do you do a voice closeup? Will there be airbrushing? The left is my good side. I need all the brown M&Ms removed. Is there any Volvic water? Chilled? xoxo
Doug. Sooo true
Dramatist: Star Jones
Yup, VI. The trombone is a gateway to tie-dye and head-condoms.
Lordy, Jenna. I just can't do right by you today.
Mireille, Goa'uld has all the answers and if not will be happy to make up something, I'm sure.
Thanks, Mistress Anna, and happy Canada Day tomorrow.
Joel, I can imagine.
Hey Doug
I think my french tickler cap makes me sort of a Dramatist
Dramatist: My son whenever he gets hurt or sick.
NO ONE has EVER hurt like he is hurting at that moment. If he gets a cut, he sets up a triage center with bandages, tape, alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, and ointment.
That movie sounds like great fun! Good for her for putting her talented skills to use.
I may consideer auditioning for her movie. My voice might be just the unique sound needed for one of her characters... but certainly NOT Darth Vader.
Brian, i was rooting for Argentina as well. anyway, Germany's goalie Lehmann is gorgeous. his saves in the penalty shootout were soooo dramatic :))
ok, off to Hamburg now. curtains up
I checked out the list of characters and I'm thinking...
maybe not. Good luck, Mr. Vader. You must have beaten Auntie Aral for the Vader part. Now, you'll have to pay dearly for that!!
Goa'uld - sackbut, sackbutt, they're both legal. As is sagbut(t). Worse and worse. And there's a reason they didn't have spelling bees in Merrie Olde England.
Very well then, never mind that, but give me a cup of sack. And no, you can't have any.
Dramatist: soccer players,
particularly when writhing on the ground in an effort to elicit red card against an opponent.
Today, Germany was the better dramatist and to Minka I raise this stein.
g - who knew you were the soccer enthusiast?
Jamie - you have described our youngest son...for all of his 22-years. There's no such thing as a stubbed toe or hangnail...each is a crisis of monstrous proportion. If he doesn't pursue drama as a living a great career will have been missed for sure.
Karma, he may be georgeous but when he comes out of his goal that is life-threatening. to HIS OWN team. I do prefer Oliver Kahn, are you saying you do not? ;)
Brian, Ätschebätsche! (New word=big fun) Yes, let's all raise a flipper to Minka and odiate on your behalf.
VI, I have nary a doubt.
Jamie Dawn, your son's an artist. You're lucky it's only that bad.
Karma, I thought that looked like Hamburg on your site.
You could really make lemonade that way. The Sith Lord! And come on, I was born to play Darth Vader.
I read about that G. Who do they think they are? basketball players?
Joel, sounds like horror film would be his calling.
Joel: What can I say Joel - a regula Renaissance woman (actually by virtue of marriage I have become one - you'd have to be a cadaver in my house to miss out). Still hanging in at the office I see.
Hey Brian, was in the Park with maybe 3 of us today. Have a good weekend - maybe see you in the snark?
Indeed Doug.
re: 22 year old slacker/dramatist son? horror is *my* calling, thanks to many of his recent antics. but with humor sprinkled in for good measure. like Scary Movie, only *without* Carmen Electra and/or all the money.
Dramatist: verbinator
gxcwmvsq: NOT the phrase that sends Mr.Mr. Mxyzptlk back to his planet. (what? no Superman fans around here? sigh. in my head i'm laughing like the insane woman i've apparently become.)
dramatist-anybody with a heartbeat.
Dramatist: anyone who finds out *who* Sar will be meeting this week....
Savages, G.
Haha Puppy. I like Verbinator. And yes, I get it.
Masil, or anyone who sweeps in after an absence.
Puppybrose, some smartass who lives in Southern California, probably.
Puppytoes, you've known the answer to that question for three hours. I'm calling B.S.
Dramatist. So that's the word I've been looking for when my oldest daughter is driving me nuts. Well, one of the words. (She's almost 9 and already knows everything, and I'm sooooo tired of "It's not FAIR!")
B.S.? moi????
what? you went back to her site to check up on me?? well, as it happens mr. meetin'-with-a certain belle-of-the-brawl-blogger-man, i had to take my son to the bank... i asked him to kindly wait long enough for me to scoot over here and leave that comment first, but he's such a freakin' dramatist there was no placating him.
so, stick that in your mimosa and make a toast to me when you have that drink tomorrow!
Joel: I feel your pain! These overly dramatic kids are fun though. Now that my son is older, we ALL mock him about it. He's still every bit as dramatic at age 16 as ever.
Doug: I don't want to be accused of being a dramatist, but I'm leaving in a short while for a rendezvous with Superman.
I'm not dramatic at all. But if I don't get a part in Goa'uld's production, I'll just die. DIE!
TLP: Your family thinks so little of nepotism? Aren't you a shoe-in?
Hey a fifth of Jenna goes a long, long way.
I'm exhausted. Went shopping with a cranky four year old. D-o-n-e. Oh the tantrum in swimco because she wanted to wear her sparkly silver flip flops that hurt her feet. Oh the entire mall heard that she wanted to wear her silver flip flops. All the way home "I wanna wear my flip flops." There was MUCH drama at the mall. I got nothing on her. Nothing.
Bartender!! Pour me a drink. I am done. Done I say!!
Rabbit, rabbit!
rabbit, rabbit!
Kat, welcome! Did you try taping something in her mouth?
Puppybrose, I just happened to swing by Sar's place and notice your comment. Yeah, you!
Jamie Dawn, take him around the world.
TLP, it looks like a good granddaughter would write a part just for you. Of course, this one's an evil twin and a Goa'uld. Good luck with that.
Haha, Actonbell. Never listen to wise counsel.
Coming right up, Jenna. Drinks are on the house for the talent.
Aral, Rabbit! Rabbit!
a4g, great definition. Probably true although I don't know any actual next Shaws or first selves.
But never absent in spirit.
*drumrolls*Hey, everybody...I was first...did you see?
And never forgotten, Masil.
Yes, yes, Minka. We told you.
Mall Diva on the subject of getting her ears pierced.
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