Friday, October 31, 2008


DISCUSSION, n. A method of confirming others in their errors.

2008 Update: Reason as it emerges between two participants, such as a mule's hoof and a stump.


TLP said...

I'm first. End of discussion.

TLP said...

Discussion: the blah, blah, blah that my companion rattles on about while I'm waiting for my turn to talk again.

Anonymous said...

DISCUSSION, n. The headache that results from clashing viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

DISCISSION, n The time period during which one person attempts to force another to accept his or her point of view.

Ariel the Thief said...

Discussion is when I tell you and you agree.

verifier: eface

Tom & Icy said...


The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Trike or treet is thair candy here=

Jamie Dawn said...

The word "discussion" can be used interchangeably with the word "fight."
For example: Little Johnny asks his mommy if she and daddy are fighting. She replies, "No. Daddy and Mommy are just having a discussion."

Cooper said...

An exchange of view where you get to keep mine.

Anonymous said...

It's not often I get to tell my mom to "stop talking" but her discussion was rambling and our waitress really didn't care. Said original discussion did send the cute restaurant manager (wow, he was hot!) scuttling away though he did return to take my broccoli away. True love or what? I mean he's good looking, employed at one of my favourite eateries and is involved with food. What a catch.

Wait...what was I originally discussing? I forgot.

Jim said...

Discussion: When I tell the other person how it really is. Seems that those others are just alway mistaken.

G said...

Is wishing rabbit rabbit open for discussion? Well, rabbit rabbit then!

Lila said...

rabbit, rabbit!

TLP said...

Rabbit rabbit.

tsduff said...

Rabbit Rabbit

Discussions are best when they don't turn into arguments.

Anonymous said...

discussion = Rant and Rave...Between a Rock and a Hard Place..........................Better red then Dead,,,some "discussions" never end...............

Doug The Una said...

First is first, TLP.

Why should there be differing viewpoints, Amoeba? Ow!

Revi, that's why the wise man agrees early.

Absolutely, Ariel. That's what I meant, actually.

Scratch/sniff, Icy.

Boy, there's plenty. Help yourself.

Actonbell, you will not!

JD, that reminds me of a lot of my first dirty jokes, too. I think I was raised sub-optimally.

There's the right definition, Cooper. Good job.

Jenn, any man with a plate of broccoli in his hands must be in love.

Jim, They are just that way.

G, AP3, and TLP, R R!

Terry, I like 'em silent, too.

Growl, bear, growl.