Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Monday, October 27, 2008
DISINCORPORATION, n. A popular method of eluding the agile liability and annexing the coy asset.
2008 Update: The alternative to nationalization in a down market.
DISINCORPORATION, n. A way to Buffett financial storms.
DISINCORPORATION, n. A way to Buffett financial storms.
uh, shouldn't Monday's word be easier?
Disincorporation: disestablishment. I'm antidisestablishment myself.
disincorporation: the state of being drunk
Sounds like a Bushism.
I can hear him using "disinorporated" in a sentence, can't you?
Disincorporation sounds okay to me, but nationalization does not sound good at all. The less the gov't does, the better.
DIS_INCORPORATION..................a revisit to supreme court decision of "Nature Rights"to CORPORATIONS...Dis-Incorporation,helps nature balance....As the GOP says,RESPONSIBILITY ...Peace Always
If it's anything like dismemberment I'm all for it.
Just hope Mickey Mouse isn't falling apart.
Nice, Amoeba. Wish I'd thought of that.
TLP, the word selection is a September song in October.
Now, how would you know that, amhsirak? Happy Diwali.
JD, I hear you. I can't hear Bush.
Peace, Brother Bear.
Me too, Cooper. We need fewer members,
Icy, I heard he just had his ears lifted.
Actonbell, you don't remember?
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