Thursday, May 21, 2009


NOBLEMAN, n. Nature's provision for wealthy American minds ambitious to incur social distinction and suffer high life.

2009 Update: One deprived by the greed of an entire community, typically through inheritance.


pia said...

Nobleman: in America; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and those with pretentious goals

Jim said...

Nobleman: That's noble, man!

the amoeba said...

In England, their children. One who has forgotten how to make money, but not how to spend it. In this, we see how feudalism is actually communism, because it practices wealth redistribution. It just takes a couple of generations.

Anonymous said...

Nobleman--a word created,to glorify the deeds of professional thieves,(ie. bankers,government leaders,"free-marketeers"),a word that for some reason,creates the illusion in some minds that ,they, are inferior to others,though the others could not exist without the labor and taxes of the "inferior"!!!!

Jamie Dawn said...

Nobleman: One who knows which fork to use when and does so in public. In private, he eats with his hands.

quilly said...

NOBLE admirably high quality; notably superior; excellent

MAN adult male of the human species

NOBLEMAN n. obviously an oxymoron.

Tom & Icy said...

A clown that performs at funerals.

cooper said...

Quilly is wise.

Your definition is better than any I can come up with, though it's be far more noble if I tried.

Doug The Una said...

Pia, you have some high-falutin' goals yourself, your highness.

And amen, brother Jim.

And communism must be capitalism, Amoeba, because it, too, redistributes wealth.

Man, Bear (pig.) You are really grouchy about us free-marketeers lately.

JD, I eat with my snout in public and private so I must be the opposite of a nobleman and the opposite of nobleman must be livestock.

Quilly, I beg your pardon, madame! Excuse me while I pick my teeth.

Brilliant, Lady Icy!

Cooper, I expect that's the nice about being born into nobility.

TLP said...

Nobleman: Rank fellow

Anonymous said...

Doug,did not have a view of you as a "free-fall-marketeer",still think you
are a fine gentleman!!!!Open to the idea that we can disagree-will even listen,as you persuade me in the merits(as you see them)in the current
version of "free-market" theory....
Question,what do you think
Whitney is worth on the open market,
i think if we(california)sold the redwood state parks,california would solve the budget problems for a year or two...sell off state beach parks next....etc etc etc...
just a thought :-)

Doug The Una said...

Nice, TLP.

Bear, sounds good. We can discuss it Tuesday.

weirsdo said...

In THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE all the pirates turn out to be "noblemen, who have gone wrong."

Ariel the Thief said...

Nobleman is the one you still call that without his clothes.

Doug The Una said...

Weirsdo, what else is there for a nobleman to do. The rest of us have the advantage of having been born wrong.

Actonbell, then what's the difference between noble and ignoble? I'm perplexed.

Funny, Ariel. So, a naked man with 1000 HUF?

weirsdo said...

Actonbell, I believe they really are orphans, and they always explain to potential victims that they are sympathetic to fellow orphans, whereupon all of their wouldbe VICTIMS fraudulently claim to be orphans.
Anyway, they all yield in Queen Victoria's name in the end, even though they have the upper hand over the police.