To read The Ice Queen, click on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who must be spinning in his grave about now.
This week in The Prattler, "Alloyed Praise for George W." and a political cartoon depicting Grover Cleveland.
Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
2006 Update: Beyond reproach as a popular president or a drunken poet.All things are either sacred or profane.
The former to ecclesiasts bring gain;
The latter to the devil appertain.
—Dumbo Omohundro
"Why have you halted?" roared the commander of a division and Chickamauga, who had ordered a charge; "move forward, sir, at once."
"General," said the commander of the delinquent brigade, "I am persuaded that any further display of valor by my troops will bring them into collision with the enemy."
"Be good, be good!" the sisterhood2006 Update: An artifact of faith when worn on the back.
Cry out in holy chorus,
And, to dissuade from sin, parade
Their various charms before us.
But why, O why, has ne'er an eye
Seen her of winsome manner
And youthful grace and pretty face
Flaunting the White Cross banner?
Now where's the need of speech and screed
To better our behaving?
A simpler plan for saving man
(But, first, is he worth saving?)
Is, dears, when he declines to flee
From bad thoughts that beset him,
Ignores the Law as 't were a straw,
And wants to sin — don't let him.
My version for me does all those things too, but not in your typical manner, I guess I am the lazy domestic.........I cook and clean, but only when the mood strikes me. I would rather, play outside or watch movies.About Jodes: In a house by the beach, with Hotel California playing in the background, dolphins swimming nearby looking for their chance to help and be petted and I just betcha crab dip in a bowl on the counter, there lives a family of four contented and cheerful souls. Two boys, their mom and dad drift through the good life but this family had a secret. Not so much anymore. Momma Jodes blogs.
Domestic...............Well I use to think that I was domestic. I wanted to be the stay at home Mom and bake cookies and drive to ball practice and watch Oprah and have dinner ready every night at the same time. However when I really was staying at home and taking care of the kiddo's this never happened. I hated sitting around all day, I was always doing something or going somewhere. I was busier staying at home than I was working.
I work now and dinner consists of Hot dogs or grilled cheese a lot. The hubby works late, so why should I bust my @$$ and cook all that food for a 9 year old that will probably complain and a 2 year old that will either eat anything or jump up from the table and make you chase him with a freaking spoonful of food.
I am so not your "typical" domestic woman unless you consider eating in the living room and watching TV every night from 7 to 10 and sleeping in till 6:30 on Saturday and Sunday. Yeah I know that is not really sleeping in, but it is to me, I get up at 4:45 to go to work. I love taking care of my boys and the hubby, but I am so not gonna be that 1950's Mom!!! I have a job I love and I am on a mission to get out the word about Breast Cancer and am currently training for the 3 day walk.
He held at court a rank so high
That other noblemen asked why.
"Because," 'twas answered, "others lack
His skill to scratch the royal back."
—Aramis Jukes