Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
EXPEDIENCY, n. The father of all the virtues.
2008 Update: The backbone of a politician and the backside of a bureaucrat.
EXPEDIENCY, n. The velocity of one who has figured out where the profit is.
Speak not to me of bureaucrats. Especially not of the ones who pretend to labor for a certain nameless State and University in the Central Pacific Ocean. Take no job here unless your employer has your paycheck in his hand. To do otherwise is most definitely inexpedient.
Currently, I am on the Speak Spanish bandwagon. I hired one of Courtney's Mexican friends to come converse with me in español for two hours each Tuesday afternoon. Expediency is urgency towards a goal. Hopefully, I will be bilingual one of these days. Or trilingual, if you count Pig Latin.
expediency: closest brother to pragmatism until straining circumstances cause a falling out. xoxo
EXPEDIENCY n. the mating call of an opportunist.
Can't beat your definition today.
Ambitiousness at its best/worst.
EXPEDIENCY, n. The velocity of one who has figured out where the profit is.
Speak not to me of bureaucrats. Especially not of the ones who pretend to labor for a certain nameless State and University in the Central Pacific Ocean. Take no job here unless your employer has your paycheck in his hand. To do otherwise is most definitely inexpedient.
I first read this as expiry. So clearly I shouldn't be defining today.
expediency: a semantic jab created to confound purveyors of clarity and irresolute hackbacks bent on the simple twists of tongue.
Or, the Tao of PAC's.
Epimetheus and Prometheus, eh, Mireille?
Oh, and opportunists mate, don't they, Quill?
Indie, it's an inconvenient truth.
TLP, is that like ambition?
Amoeba, still? Perfidy!
Jenn, that's a good word.
Do what now, Mule?
Expediency = On the Bandwagon
Currently, I am on the Speak Spanish bandwagon. I hired one of Courtney's Mexican friends to come converse with me in español for two hours each Tuesday afternoon. Expediency is urgency towards a goal. Hopefully, I will be bilingual one of these days.
Or trilingual, if you count Pig Latin.
I hope you have a goooood day!
¡Isay esay uedepay, Amiejay Awnday!
"The most useful thing about a principle is that it can always be sacrificed to expediency."
W. Somerset Maugham
I don't know a thing about that word.
Expediency, a trait (I did not say a 'virtue') that I that I must be blessed with. Why?
Expediency, along with a desire for perfection in others, are the causes of my impatience.
The faster I go, the behinder I get.
I got nothing. I checked teh dictionary and I still don't understand the word...I wish I was kidding.
expedient is the winner of the democratic primary in Ohio and apparently Texas.
Great quote, crow.
Jim, my father has the same virtue,
Icy, did Master Tom shave your butt again.
Actonbell, aome people should only be quoted by drugged bank tellers. Crisp might be one of them, I don't know.
Cooper, you have my sympathies.
Expediency: Excuse for inhumanity.
I like the Tsduff's Somerset Maugham quotation.
I can beat it today though ;-)
Expediency: letting Tuesday's post ride through Wednesday.
I guess I'll get my reply once I understand this word? Don't hold thy breath!
Weirsdo, inconvenience is what separates man and beast, temporarily.
Indie, I needed five minutes! But you got me.
Minka, that's how I feel about Heuristic. Apologies for missing you there.
I´ll think about it :)
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