Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Mayoralty of Macedon

Episode X
Listen to Chiron, children!.

Or read the end of the story on the abacus.
Happy birthday (tomorrow) to TLP and TSDUFF! Saturday stories will return in the new year, Insha'llah.


Ariel the Thief said...

Have a great holiday!

Jamie Dawn said...

If the boy uses an abacus to count votes, at least there would be no hanging chads.

I hope you enjoyed a tasty Thanksgiving and a thankful one also, too.

tsduff said...

Using an abacus is my favorite form of math. Nice wrap up on the story. Happy Birthday to Doug's Blog MAMA - and many happy returns.

Anonymous said...

may the mourning time be productive,and the immediate sorrow be gone in the coming 31 days...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NOVEMBER CHILDREN!!!!!!!! A Happy December to All.......Peace Always Be With YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"fed by furtive hounds". Good one.

Amen to the ending.

TLP said...

Good one. Thanks for the b-day wishes.

I'll miss you. But at least November is over.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. A month with out Doug.

What oh what shall I do?

Enjoy the blog break. I shall pine away until your return.

Anonymous said...

Keeping bees, huh? And the name Xeo is supposed to mean "future innovator". Perhaps you meant to call him Sherlock?

TLP said...

Rabbit rabbit!

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Ariel.

Yeah, Actonbell, a little sniffle.

You're right, Jamie Dawn, but in the end, is it more honorable to make elections fair or honey?

Hope you had a good birthday, Terry.

And also with you, Father Bear.

I'll amen that too, Cooper.

And that, TLP.

Jenn, I imagine you'll see me on your blog this month. Thanks.

Amoeba, do you think that was a metaphor for Scotland Yard?

Rabbit rabbit, Actonbell and TLP.