Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Foe, n. A person instigated by his wicked nature to deny one's merits or exhibit superior merits of his own.
2005 Update: To a fool a friend, to a politician a fiction and to the clever among us themself. The nearest companion.
Sar, your mission today is to find the natural foe of the French.
I think you did very well on this one. I'll buy it.
Now, I gotta tell you that you're pretty? Ooooookay. You're pretty. Geez, some people. (When was the last time you told ME that I was pretty, huh?, huh?
Alright are pretty! Like the new template. At first I thought I got the worng page. And a foe in our lifes keeps us on our is a good thing.
Thanks, Lucinda, I made it myself. Pretty and talented!
Haha, Monika. You're right, too. One of my canned speeches to my staff is that I'm thankful to the people who try to trip me up because they keep me watching the road (and so, dear employee, you should be glad to work for jackass like me.)
With so many to choose from, I thought this one would do..."There is nothing lower than the human race except the French." - Mark Twain
(Note - I don't personally share this opinion)
I like the updated layout, BTW! Though I'm a little surprised that given your expansive vocabulary you would choose "pretty" as you self-descriptive complimentary adjective. Hmmm, is there something you're not telling us Doug-ina?
Sar, Twain wrote in an essay after the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre that the natural enemy of the Frenchman is the Frenchman. And you shouldn't be surprised. Irony's kind of my medium (and it's just for today.)
Sorry, Gabriel, I was getting complaints about the white-on-black. Can't afford to lose another job.
Definitely a nice new look. Though I was frightened for a bit when I popped over and thought for a moment that "you" were gone. :( But you're still here! ;)
Your post is spot on today...that's a truly enlightened definition of Foe. :)
i kinda like pate de foe gras.
is that you honey???
Karma, Pate is absolutely me.
Changed your skin I think it's called.
you're pretty, you're pretty--asume you mean your dog
Yes, Pia, wove it by hand from recycled paper. That's not a dog, it's me, but thank you for the compliment.
You've decided to lighten up your look. I approve.
Foes within the family are most dangerous.
Thanks, Jamie Dawn. And you're right. Should I remind Courtney?
I think you did very well on this one. I'll buy it.
Now, I gotta tell you that you're pretty? Ooooookay. You're pretty.
Geez, some people. (When was the last time you told ME that I was pretty, huh?, huh?
Thanks, Tan Lucy. I'm glad for a little redemption after yesterday. I have told you look like a candy dispenser. I'll tell you now, a lovely one.
Alright are pretty! Like the new template. At first I thought I got the worng page.
And a foe in our lifes keeps us on our is a good thing.
Thanks, Lucinda, I made it myself. Pretty and talented!
Haha, Monika. You're right, too. One of my canned speeches to my staff is that I'm thankful to the people who try to trip me up because they keep me watching the road (and so, dear employee, you should be glad to work for jackass like me.)
With so many to choose from, I thought this one would do..."There is nothing lower than the human race except the French." - Mark Twain
(Note - I don't personally share this opinion)
I like the updated layout, BTW! Though I'm a little surprised that given your expansive vocabulary you would choose "pretty" as you self-descriptive complimentary adjective. Hmmm, is there something you're not telling us Doug-ina?
Pastels are my foe, Doug. Fight the good fight.
Sar, Twain wrote in an essay after the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre that the natural enemy of the Frenchman is the Frenchman. And you shouldn't be surprised. Irony's kind of my medium (and it's just for today.)
Sorry, Gabriel, I was getting complaints about the white-on-black. Can't afford to lose another job.
Ah well, had you said Frenchman...seriously though, I'm just glad I was in the ballpark with that challenge.
Curious what tomorrow's irony will bring.
Isn't the truth more of a foe to politicians than fictions?
You're pretty already!
Why didn't you say so Moron?
Sar, me too. Actually, I looked for the passage and couldn't find it. I was hoping you would tell me.
Weirsdo, I was thinking of politicians creating fictional foes to rally the people against.
Your new look is a winner!
Definitely a nice new look. Though I was frightened for a bit when I popped over and thought for a moment that "you" were gone. :( But you're still here! ;)
Your post is spot on today...that's a truly enlightened definition of Foe. :)
We love your new layout! Very neat and easy on the eyes.
Bybee, thank you and welcome!
Tara, thanks doubly. I probably should have warned my firends/
Thanks, Tom and Icy. It's the product of a schizophrenic personification.
Oh right. I guess Indie and I know all about that fictional foe creation business
An opposite too smart and capable to dismiss.
Comfort Addict, I never saw you as a foe until right now.
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