Starting today, every Wednesday Waking Ambrose will feature a definition from a Special Guest. The plan is below, but first...
Superstar Lexicogramibob...Pansi from The Pansifiles Yay!

Thingy, n. Like, one stuff. You know?
...and...some lady named Weirsdo who knows Pansi and updated Gymnast! Huzzah!
Gymnast, n. A man who puts his brains into his muscles. The word is from the Greek gumnos, naked, all the athletic exercises of the Greeks being performed in that shocking condition; but the members of the Olympic Club make a compromise between the requirements of the climate and those of the ladies who attend their exhibitions. They wear there pajamas.
2005 Update:A person of any gender who attempts to translate the human form into rubber for the benefit of corporate sponsors. --Wiersdo

Gymnast, Weirsdo
How to be a Superstar guest Lexicogramibob: You don't have to be as beautiful and smart and wise and easy as Pansi or as well-connected as Wiersdo. Just leave a comment any Wednesday saying you're in or send an email to the link in my profile. In the latter case, because I may not recognize your email put something in the header so I don't mistake you for a spammer. "Special Guest Definition Aspirant" or "C1al1s 4 cheep," for instance.
Every week I'll choose someone from the list and send them a word not in The Devil's Dictionary to define for posting the following Wednesday. The only rules are no profanity and keep your definition a reasonable length. Please also send a link so I can put a picture of or representing you with your definition. One special guest per week.
By the way, thanks to everyone who helped me wish my dad a happy birthday.
This is really great. Taking blogs to a new level. Love it!
Oh no. Now all the sinners who read your blog will post their sinful thoughts along with you! This is filth.
Tom, Icy, Little Bar of Soap and Karma: Great, so you'll do it?
Mr. DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your so full of surprises!!!!!!!!!!!!! You told me friday so I hadn't even looked till now!!!!!!!! And I didn't have a publisity release on my Files, like I planned : ( !!
But I forgive you, since now youve added a new dementian to my STARdom!!!!!!
But then again, why put me with Mrs. Weirsdo? Shes just not in my league as a scholar OR gymnast!!!!!!! Also, her definishon is wrong. Here at Naked Gymnastics for JESUS we are already blessed with bodies made of light, flexible plastic, and we do it all for HIM and our FANS!
Anyways, tho, on balance you have done a MARVELOUS job, and I will date nobody but you and Jesus in Heaven!!!
Though we despair of adding anything to Pansi's message, Miss Mall Diva and I thank you.
So sorry Pansi, I thought I'd said Wednesday. MMMMWAH right back.
Weirsdo, You and Miss Mall Diva are certainly welcome.
That is one funny definition, Pansi. Nice job. You've set the bar quite high (teehee - melikes that unintentional pun!). Doug I'm in and would be greatful for as much lead time as possible since I'm already feeling mentally challenged here!
PS - hope your dad enjoyed his b-day!
Pansi's rhetoric is as colorful as her hair and even more tangled
Cool idea! I don't think I'm clever enough to try it, though.
>> Please also send a link so I can put a picture of or representing you with your definition.
A picture of us with our definition? What if you ask us to define some kind of sick sexual act? That's hardly fair.
And yes, I know I'm taking that wrong, but I so love doing that.
Will you pack my bags for me?
Sar, thanks for the offer, I'll take you up on it.
Tom, that's a knee-slapper but I'll ask you to steady yourself when talking about my posthumous efianced.
Horsepucky, Aral, I'm putting you down. On a volunteer basis, of course.
Revi, I'm so delighted you left a comment here, I'll not only forgive you for attacking my convoluted grammar, I'll offer to pack your bags. Send me directions. I think I'm only a 6- or 7-hour drive away.
Very cool indeed.
The whole naked gymnastics "thingy" can make one a little uncomfortable. I think the Bar of Soap will never be able to get over the idea of it.
Jamie Dawn! Welcome back! Sounds like you had a blast in Asia and passed through here. For my part, there's a lot being done in His name that makes me a lot more uncomfortable than naked gymnastics but to each their own.
I'd like to do this, too.
Good idea, Indie. Saves my having to draft you.
It seems like I do this anyway...
Maybe I'll shoot for next week.
I agree, Gabriel, for you it's about top billing. I've arranged for next week already, but you'll obviously on the list.
Bell, I'd love to have you do this. Since it's a new thing, the concept is sort of evolving. At this moment the plan is that I pick a word that seems relevant to what the person talks about already and which isn't in The Devil's Dictionary and that person can do what they want with it, barring profanity or 2000 word definitions. If you would like to add a context, that would be fine. I'm available to consult with during the week and am happy to help. We can even vary the format for that day to the liking or comfort of the guest writer. Thanks for the kind words about the site as well.
Violating my own rule against running on, the origin of this is that I was looking at the Pansifiles where you had asked Weirsdo to guestwrite on your site. I asked Pansi to guestwrite on mine and here we are.
Love the idea.
Great, Alice. Can I add you to the list?
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