Yes, brothers and sister's, in humility and thanksgiving I announce the coming of the
Soap. She writes:

Friends, first Doug wanted me to define
patristics. I confess that I had to look the word up in my Compact Bible Dictionary to find that it means "The study of the lives, writings, and doctrines of the Church fathers." That seems like a bunch of university mumbo-jumbo to the Little Bar of Soap. Read the Bible (King James version) and all will be clear. The word
patristics itself makes me think of
fishsticks -- and that's just what I say to this term, "Fishsticks!"
Then Doug gave me a second choice, "fidelity". All any of you ever do is taunt and tease the Little Bar of Soap anyway, so I have nothing to lose by playing along. I will try to be clever, as Doug and his readers like to be, though it strikes me as sinful vanity to be so witty to no Christian purpose (see
Pride, one of the Seven Deadly Sins).
Fidelity, n. 1. Fidelity Investments: for those who worship Mammon (see
Greed and
Envy, two more of the Seven Deadly Sins).
2. High Fidelity (HiFi): for those who listen to the Devil's music (see
Anger and
Sloth and
Gluttony and
Lust, the final four of the Seven Deadly Sins).
3. Faithfulness to one's Christian obligations and duties. Praise be to Jesus!
About The Little Bar of Soap.The Little Bar of Soap (Soapy) writes a very earnest site and is, frankly, brilliant at developing clever animations and audio visuals and pointing out wickedness to the wicked. Albert Schweitzer was a missionary among the poorest of the poor, Mother Theresa tended to the dying and Martin Luther risked his life to challenge the powerful. From their seats in heaven all three must gasp at Soapy's fortitude, a clanging cymbal of faith among the corrupt, reprehensible and out in blogworld.
Some of my readers have made great sport of the Little Bar of Soap, but I say to all of you that although the mountains shall crumble and the hills wear away, my love will not depart from her. She has gone into all the blogosphere to share the good news of Jesus and his love. Preparing the way of the Lord, she makes the crooked straight and the rough places plain, while not persecuting the bent, something we all appreciate. She sees the sparrow fall and I know she has her eyes on me. God bless you, Soapy.
How to be a Special Guest on Waking Ambrose: Please send me an email at dpascover at mac dot com and let me know that you're willing to write a definition for a future Wednesday guest post. The only rules are no profanity and a request that you return your definition by the following Saturday.