Monday, June 11, 2007


GENERALLY, adv. Usually, ordinarily, as Men generally lie, A woman is generally treacherous, etc.

2007 Update: Anecdotally, hypothetically, with no direct experience whatsoever of.


Anonymous said...

Generally speaking - I'm never first!!!!

The Old Mule said...

generally: the emperical adverb of social centrism.

Yes, I feel quite heady after such a brisk break.

Anonymous said...

sort of following up G's comment, i'm rarely 2nd! (which mean i'm third, and thanks Old Mule, for that!) ; )

AsianSmiles said...

generally.. used when one cannot substantiate his arguments with statistical data. it's also used by someone who have no time to read results of research studies. and it's also used by someone who intentionally chooses to make vague statements to avoid being cross examined. i generally use generally for these 3 general reasons.

have a good day D.

Mutha said...

generally: used by those who like to roll around in the vague

Anonymous said...

Generally: A falsehood's favorite preface.

Anonymous said...

Generally: Confederate leader?

TLP said...

Oh, Neva! I'm so jealous! Offhand I can't remember a better definition. As a rule I try not to be so envious. But by and large, your comment is just the very best!

Anonymous said...

generally speaking...I'm never first here. A girl -must- make an entrance after all.

And Neva...clever clever with the generally.

Anonymous said...

Well...I do now, Mule. Does that make you feel better?

Sar said...

General Lee? Bravo & wahoo to you, Neva! And curse you, Old Mule, for giving me the Dukes of Hazzard theme earworm!

Doug The Una said...

G, you made our point for us, thank you.

Mule, Arkansawyer women must eat that stuff up.

Neva, I feel like a fortune teller right now.

Generally, Asiansmiles, I'd say we all do, but don't quote me on that.

Haha, Mutha. And who doesn't. The specific is pointy.

Al, back in Iowa I used to hear this joke: What's the difference between a fairy tale and a farmer's story? A fairy tale starts "once upon a time..." and a farmer's story starts with "I'm here to tell ya, and this is no s**t..."

Fantastic, Puppy!

By and large, I generally agree, TLP.

Jenna, it went so quiet when you walked in. Shouldn't the underwear go on the inside?

Nope, Mule. The great leader and the awesome car are forever twinned.

Excuse me, Sar, but if Waylon Jennings sings it it's not an earworm. Or am I that much of a redneck?

Nessa said...

I would say that generally by the time I get here all of the good ones are taken, but I think it's a statistical fact.

Jamie Dawn said...

Generally: most usually or unusually

I stayed in a hotel in Charleston where General Lee slept. The hotel looked pretty good considering it was quite old and survived a very unpleasant war.

javajazz said...


Minka said...

generally...Gene Rally, much like Easter, many a fast swimmer looking for an egg to dig in

Anonymous said...

1. The world view of the near-sighted. 2. The way Colin Powell used to walk.

Doug The Una said...

Nessa, it's exactly a statistical fact. You were first in the last post.

Jamie Dawn, you didn't wake him, I hope.

JJ, spoken like someone of rank.

Thanks, Actonbell. You're generally sweet about it.

Minka, that's hilarious. I don't want to touch the dye, though.

CA, nice twist with near-sightedness. I miss General Powell. Secretary Powell, too.

mireille said...

Used in the beginning of a sloppy sentence that often ends with ", etc." grrrrrr xoxo

Anonymous said...

guess i was blushing too much earlier to come back and tell you i thought your definition was divine... ish. Bierce's, on the other hand, is as broad-yet-narrow-focused as any chauvinistic characterization i've ever had the pleasure to read and/or dismiss. well done to the both o' you! *claps* ; )

Anonymous said...

Generally I began my day blogging. Generally I have a set routine. Generally I maintain a schedule.

Generally June, July and August wreack havoc with my schedule. Generally if I am given too much time, nothing ever gets done.

Unknown said...

Generally: A long-obsolete preface for introducing information into a conversation from a position of expertise. Due to recent advances in conversational technology, the phrase "it turns out" is inestimably preferable

Tom & Icy said...

I like Zockso's definition, especially the grrrrr.

Ariel the Thief said...

ROTFL @Monika, that's just too funny!

tsduff said...

Generally is such a broad statement that either nobody, or everybody is in trouble.

Anonymous said...

generally i like to find a new definition and/or poem here by the time i click back to this blog the next day. generally i do.

generally i also like to give a nod to other, hilarious comments -- but failed miserably on that front yesterday, because, well, i think i read through it too fast. d'oh! that said, MINKA: that was hilarious!!! ; )

Terry? are you back? : )

Doug The Una said...

Mireille, so the first word of nothing.

Thanks, Neva, It's when we're broad-focused that we're the most narrow.

Quilly, I declare a general amnesty for late-coming teachers in the summertime.

Esoteric Wombat, and "inestimably" is even better yet.

Haha, Icy. Me too. Arf.

Ariel, it's a heck of an image, isn't it? Every runner with their own banner to fly.

Terry, since you've been gone, my corn has matured. Help yourself.

Neva, I've reached my dotage and taken to puttering in the mornings.

Anonymous said...

somehow i never took you to be a lech. live and learn. ; )

Doug The Una said...

You did so.

Ariel the Thief said...

lech is for lechuga, right? *grabs a bottle of olive oil*

Anonymous said...

you're right.

i just hope Ariel puts away that olive oil before you get any ideas. ; )