Thirteenth Canto

This week the reading is by Blogmother TLP. Click on the pony charismatic to hear the reading and thanks, TLP.
Happy birthday to the elegant and dangerous Mireille.

To read, click on John Henry the Baptist bringing peace to a burro.
I guess the word got out that I was reading. Hrmpf.
*blows kisses to Doug and the very kind TLP* ♥ ♥ ♥ xoxo
Good job TLP and Doug! and happy birthday, zockso!
TLP, it was a surprise to me.
Joyeux anniversaire, Mireille.
Thanks, Icy!
Well done, TLP!!!
Happy b-day, Mireille!!!
Doug, I'd like John Henry to give Lammy preaching lessons.
TLP, people flock to hear you read. I believe they're all just outside enjoying the longest day of summer. Your reading was as always, superb. Doug, your writing wasn't too shabby either.
Happy Birthday Mireille! Elegant and dangerous is a good combo.
Yay, Mommy!
Hey, TLP - I must confess - with all my computer problems of late... tonight I purchased a laptop - my first. Now, I have sound, and, can listen to you read. I've pulled up my chair, hunkered down for a good story - and am delighted to be so pampered as to have a bedtime story read to me :) Your warm clear reading voice is a compliment to the story itself, which as you know is just another campfire tale with a lot of big words.
Doug - I enjoyed this chapter, especially how you used the word "gamboling". You actually outdid yourself with your fine vocabulary this time. I never knew horses could be so complex. Misty - I'm sorry.
Oh, and happy happy birthday to you
by the picture i see?? advocate of cow tipping or cow that needs belly rub---Weaknesses=fear=hesitation=lost opportunities.....peace always
ah, what beauty lies
within your thoughtful words...
"in quality, not constancy
lies the truth"...
"horses hearts move earth
"be thou ever patient,
thoughtful and discreet"...
you speak of peace,
patience, humility,
generosity, good will,
with a soft tenderness
of someone who
truly grasps and lives
these concepts.
thank you for this.
also, very nice to hear
Tan Lucy's voice...
i love the pot pourri of voices here,
like some kind of wild symphony...
happy birthday to Mireille...
JJ, John Lennon said that those that make the most trouble will talk about peace and patience the most. Just saying. ;-)
Excellent reading and great chapter Doug.
Happy Birthday Mireille.
I meant to say that I was dedicating the reading to Mireille. That Mireille. She's a year older ya know.
Thank you all for the round of polite applause. I'd like to take this occasion to thank all the little people who helped me along the way to glory. Specifically to little person Katharine who recorded it for me and sent it to Doug. And of course, thanks to my Mama, and Doug who wrote a fine canto just for me (never mind that I was his second choice) and Jesus, and....
JD, God equips the called.
Thanks, Actonbelll.
G, Mireille makes it work.
Doesn't she make us proud, AP3?
Terry, I always knew horses have a rich internal life. You can tell by their leavings.
Alaikum Salaam, Bear. Cow tipping is a better habit than giving horses belly-rubs.
JJ, the secret of a life of compassion is to live alone and abuse the people on tv.
Ariel, an excellent insight. Thank you, slowly.
Thanks, Cooper.
TLP, a squeaky you're welcome. (This little person is two of you.)
darn, now my secret
is out.
TLP: You have such a lovely soothing voice.
Dorg: Happy Belated B-day. Sorry I missed it.
That is a mis-type, Dorg; D
Oh! I thought I was going to hear TLP's voice - in the flesh.
JJ, secrets have a way of getting around.
Nessa, I'll let Dorg know.
Pi, I couldn't fit her in the screen.. The closest I can offer is if you click on the rolling horse.
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