Thursday, May 26, 2005


Longevity, n. Uncommon extension of the fear of death.

2005 Update: Greatness cut short.


Indeterminacy said...

Longevity: 16 minutes of fame.

Unknown said...

guess that's the long and short of it

Sar said...

Picking your coffe mug up only to discover you had unknowingly already finished it. BTW, thanks for the nod in your links! :)

Doug The Una said...

Hah! Inde, that's hysterical.

Karma, I like to think long.

Sar, of course. Bierce and Twain should still be associated, although the comparison never goes well for Bierce. It's his grave, let him roll.


Longevity, n. The relative tautness of one's mortal chord.


Sreekesh Menon said...

by origin or by option?

Doug The Una said...

Samir, wise words, but, if I may say, every inmate on death row gives similar advice.

Gabriel, give it a yank.

Sreekesh, longevity is never mandatory. Think about that the next time you post a poem about your girlfriend.

dom said...

I woulda said Longevity is the distance between the actual size of the angler's(fisherman's ) catch and what he/she purports it to be :-)

Anonymous said...

The peculiar belief in the virtue of just hanging around.

Anonymous said...

Oh Heck with this life! Heaven sounds so much nicer to me!

Hello Doug!

Doug The Una said...

Well, Dom, if you were going to make an exaggeration joke, I'm glad it was about fish.

Comfort Addict, good point. Less than a decade and they call it loitering.

Hi, Morning Dew! Stick around, I got a lot more words to get through.