Monday, May 16, 2005


Mayonnaise, n. One of the sauces which serve the French in place of a state religion.

2005 Update: The edible part of a salmon.



Mayonnaise, n. (1) A creamy, fattening substance often used on tender, solid fattening substances. (2) A thick, buttery colloid frequently applied to dead animals.


Sreekesh Menon said...

A dressing for your plate and your hide or a french conspiracy to make rest of the world obese?

Anonymous said...

i formerlly used to depise but now can not get enough i sometimes lick the knife when spreading it on sandwiches

Doug The Una said...

Gabriel, mm...dead animals!

Sreekesh, hide!

Andria, it's probably good for a dancer's joints, right? That's it, I'm gonna learn to dance.

JustaDog said...

Mayonnaise - 100% FAT!

Doug The Una said...

C'mon, Dog, there's gotta be some protein from the egg!

frstlymil said...

Mayonnaise - according to my mother, is a major food group.

Unknown said...

its definitely on top of the food chain :P

Anonymous said...

Mayonnaise: The spread that keeps on spreading.

Anonymous said...

Mayonnaise: universal edible glue.

Doug The Una said...

frstlymil, your mother is right. The four food groups are mayonnaise, ground beef, white bread and dosa masala.

Right, Karma?

That's a good one, comfort addict.

Yes, gnat and good for catching insects and unhappily married secretaries.

lpkitten said...

gag gag gag...reminds me of the time I ordered a salad in France and they used pure mayonnaise as salad dressing...gag gag gag

Doug The Una said...

Yuck, kitten! Salad?

Pirate Dude: Arrrgh?

A. M. said...

Dutch ketchup.

Doug The Una said...

Daryl, that's funny. How is it on mutton?

Jenn, definitely in Germany and probably in France with chanting.

Anonymous said...

Mayo vs Miracle Whip - When we got married we had to make some concessions - he drank whole milk (ukky), I drank fat free - we settled on 2%, but till this day, 19years later, I buy Mayo & Miracle whip. He likes Mayo (it is like uggy butter) I Like Miracle Whip (yummy)!

Hey France grow some freaking tomaotes ok, we went to McD and they charged us a $1.00 for each extra packet, jeeezzz