Friday, May 13, 2005


Presentable, adj. Hideously appareled after the manner of the time and place.

In Boorioboola-Gha a man is presentable on occasions of ceremony if he have his abdomen painted a bright blue and wear a cow's tail; in New York he may, if it please him, omit the paint, but after sunset he must wear two tails made of the wool of a sheep and dyed black.

2005 Update: Wearing underwear, if at all, beneath one's clothes and smelling passably sober.


Anonymous said...

How far we've come.


Presentable, adj. Cleanly rinsed and shaven for the slaughter.

Stuffing is optional


Doug The Una said...

Professor Weirsdo, ironically I'm nostalgic for higher standards of hygiene and dress even though I never looked right and don't today.

Gabriel, as always, great contribution.

Braidwood said...

Hi, I'm here from Blog Explosion, just wanted to say hi!

Anonymous said...

smelling sober= a challenge but the tails are probably a breeze

Doug The Una said...

Livinglikekings, welcome back. Nice to see you again.

Hi, Braidwood.

andria, I guess it all depends on how much you want to be presentable.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey! This is good news, I'm presentable after all!

Doug The Una said...

Sure, Lenwood. It's all a matter of setting the right standard.

Anonymous said...

Meeting the expectations of those you expect to meet. By the way, Doug, thanks for the books (that was truly cool of you).

Doug The Una said...

Not at all, Comfort Addict, I got a great post on a hard word and reeled in a first-rate commenter. The books were just bait.

Hobbes said...

Mrs. Weirsdo is not a professor. My cousin Dr. Minnie Strator and her had words. Mrs. Weirsdo is hard to get along with.
DR. Weirsdo is still a professor. He had that tenure thingy.

Sreekesh Menon said...

speaking and looking good so much so that others would follow.

Doug The Una said...

Pansi, thank you for clarifying. I thought Weirsdo was Dr. Weirsdo and Mrs. Weisdo was Mrs. Weirsdo. You are a sunbeam on a cave painting.

Sree, your standards are so much higher than mine.

Unknown said...

hic ... what?

Doug The Una said...

Karma, you're always presentable.

Atalante said...

One out of two ok? ;)

Doug The Una said...

Atalanta, of course, but if you drink, no golden apples.