Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Satiety, n. The feeling that one has for the plate after he has eaten its contents, madam.

2005 Update: The first step toward dissatisfaction.


Sreekesh Menon said...

a nourished feeling for the body and mind edging dangerously close to explosion.

Doug The Una said...

Sreekesh, you should see me at happy hour.

Sunil Natraj said...

The feeling after indulgence.

Anonymous said...

I love your sense of humor. And yes, my mother taught me to always have good manners. I always return what I borrow. Detention? Tsk. Sounds like you had a great time in school. Rock on. xD

Doug The Una said...

Sunil, at last a true definition.

Jessie, thanks for the kind words and for comporting yourself like a lady.

Unknown said...

adam, i'm madam

Doug The Una said...

Karma, that was my guess.
Jin, nice to have you back.
I'm disappointed, however, that neither of you saw fit to mention how cute I am, now that I have my picture up.

Anonymous said...

A gluttony gladdening with no thought of fattening.

Doug The Una said...

Speak for yourself, Comfort Addict. Some of us are just planning for the harsh winters we may face if we leave Southern California.