Thursday, June 09, 2005

From the highlight reel

Generous was one of the first words to appear on this site, but needs to be recalled and applied to my friend Michael K. Willis. Michael was kind enough to review this site on one of his excellent blogs. For a long time, I've had a link up to his site which I use as an antidote for the caustic, cynical writing so often found in my comments section. (Of course I'm kidding.) Michael is a great writer who mixes serialized short stories, interactive posts and autobiographical vignettes on his Bread and Roses site. On his Neverending Rainbow site he offers sophisticated reviews of cultural offerings that a dirt-eater like me will nonetheless find interesting.

I chose the word generous to salute Michael because its the only word to characterize his writing. Not every story, whether autobiographical or fiction ends well for the characters, but you sure wish well for all the characters. The sympathy and optimism that Michael brings to his writing is rare and whats-her-name was a fool, buddy. He promises cynicism in his profile which I'm still waiting for.


Sar said...

Doug - that was an amazing (and well-deserved) review. As I commented on Michael's site, he could give you a run for your money!

Doug The Una said...

Sar, Michael's a writer, I'm a sarcast. He could give me a race if you tied a railroad tie around him.

Jamie Dawn said...

I'll check the links to his sites. Thanks.

Tom & Icy said...

We used to go to his site until I switched ISP's and lost the addy. Thanks

Doug The Una said...

Jamie Dawn, check them out. Good stuff.

Tom, you missed a nice novelette. Go back about a month.

Thao said...

Doug - what a wonderful entry. It's refreshing to read a blog praising and complimenting a fellow blogger. (And thanks for visiting and commenting about the cultured panhandlers. $5 Million for a cello. Good gravy!)

Doug The Una said...

Hi, Thao. Nice to have you drop by. I can't take the credit, though. Michael, the Devil and Weirsdo have written nice things about this site and I'm just too touched to be my usual dismal self. Thanks for coming by. In Texas, can't you shoot cultural intruders?

Unknown said...

I too check out Michael's site on a regular basis...he's very talented...although...I do love your site as well and yes I do think of you as a very good writer...

Thao said...

We can shoot them but why bother when we can have jealous wives run over their cheating husbands. Texas has crazy water.

Doug The Una said...

Spiritdancer, thanks so much.

Thao, it's a good point. Much better production value on running over and backing up. Buy Dasani.