Monday, January 09, 2006


Influence, n. In politics, a visionary quo given in exchange for a substantial quid.

2006 Update: The basest application of morality.


dddragon said...

Influence, n. In Doug, the visions of Ambrose in exchange for a substantial laugh today.

Also: must visit Doug before I go to work today!

Indeterminacy said...

A powerful strain of influenza virus more effective than penicillin.

Sar said...

Wow! This is one of my favorite Bierce definitions.

1. Influence: Clever is as clever does. (See inspiration, author & commenters on Waking Ambrose.)

2. Influence: Corrupt is as corrupt does. (See DeLay...see DeLay run...See DeLay run away!.)

Unknown said...

quid pro quo

Minka said...

influence? Easy: sufficient lubrication :)

Anonymous said...

influence: See Sar's second statement; the first is even better, but the second more timely

Influence: An unnamed current president believed that he could trick an entire country into believing his rhetoric. But. alas, the people are too smart to fall under his influence even when influenced by sufficent lubrication

Miz BoheMia said...

Pia is a funny lady!

Bohemians looooveeee Pia!

Bohemians wanna be like Pia...

What a dreamy influence!

Doug The Una said...

Absolutely, Dddragon. MUST!

Nice twist, Indie.

Yup, it's a goodie, Sar. And seemed timely.

Karma, usually a few quid.

Monika, talking about being under the influence was influential. It's Monday (by the way)

Nice job, Pia, of bringing three definitions together.

Unknown said...

this is a corruption of a 'wish you were here' postcard sent by travellers to Florence in the 1800s, often a hastily scribbled note on parchment tied to carrier pigeon's feet.

'In Florence' bastardized into 'influence' over the years by the common people and came to mean that people who had money could travel, therefore they were very powerful and could affect the opinions of others.

Of course, the word is not to be confused with 'influorescence' which is a totally different word and unrelated and another story

The Reverent Eater said...

Influence...I thought it had something to do with how I always get my way when I'm feeling sick as a dog.

Miz BoheMia said...

Influence~ how actions of oh-so-wise-I-bow-before-you individuals affect the lives and actions of their admirers: for eg: a certain blog master's oversight of the presence of a bohemian has bohemian back and trying SO HARD to get some recognition from blog master, but no go! What is the bohemian to do?!?!?! *wailing bohemian collapses unto floor, in utter despair!*

~Daydreamer~ said...

Influence: Anything your sweetheart says to you.

And the effect a beautiful lady has on men.

Also see music.

Last but not least (I fought the urge not to mention R, Doug)...

Influence: The day I go back for revenge on Retardo. Boy, that will be some influence!

That's right. Woah! Feel better now.

Tom & Icy said...

An offer you can't refuse

broadcastellan said...

A successful sabotage of obduracy in the guise of integrity.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

influence - Unfortunately, something that is pedaled like a squeaky bicycle.

Jamie Dawn said...

Influence is that cool thing that Obi Wan Kenobi has when he waves his arms and says stuff, and people automatically obey:
"You are going to let us pass though this check point."
"I am going to let you pass through this check point."
"We need to move along now."
"Move along now! Move along now!"

I'd love that kind of influencial power.
"You are going to massage my feet now."
"I am going to massage your feet now."
"You want to clean your room now."
"I want to clean my room now."

Oh, the possibilities...

LeMas. said...

influence-playing the pipe around people with the mental capacity of rats or children (sometimes both)

Anonymous said...

when use of words defined here causes giggles in daily life followed by attempted explanations, usually followed by blanks looks or calls for exorcism.

Fred said...

Influence: Something I fall under every so often. *hic*

TLP said...

Influence, n., Concentrated power. See Cash Register Congress.

Anonymous said...

Influence - blog crack that keeps me from writing

Doug The Una said...

Miz B, you are never ever ignored. I think we were commenting at the same time and I spent the day in training. What can I do to make it up? Walk on hot coal? I have some left over from Christmas. And you've chosen a perfect role model, by the way.

Hahaha, Karma. That's a whole night's entertainment. Thank you.

I'm pretty sure it does, Manchego. Or when you can fake it.

Marwa, let it all out here.

Haha, Icy. Good girl!

Alice, I think I want to know what I did to get on your list. I like the new picture, unsurprisingly.

Hey, welcome back, Harry. Us yanks prefer to use "resolve" to mean "too dumb to know better, too rich to care."

Poobah, you must be well again. I'm glad.

Jamie Dawn, the force has a powerful effect on the weak-minded. Hey, why am I standing on my head typing?

Either way, Masil, I'd rather they smoked it.

I get that all the time, Logo.

But Mr. Fred, aren't you a schoolmarm?

TLP, good definition except they don't make change.

You go ahead, Actonbell. I'll raise a fork to you.

Jenna, welcome back! If it's good to you, it's good for you.

mireille said...

late to the party ...

power peddled by the persuasion purveyors. But be careful of who persuades whom of what. Loose lips leaking leads lobbyists ...

not to St. Andrews, but to country club prisons.


Jamie Dawn said...

Fred talked about being under the influence...
I've gotten some comments at my blog that I think the commentors were under the influence of something mind altering when they typed them.

Miz BoheMia said...

Influence~ role model merely looks over at bohemian and she blushes... all is good... naw, role model could never disappoint the bohemian... And yes, could not have chosen a better one... bohemians have good taste!

Sponge Girl said...

Influence. n. An archaic term, a once-popular description of that certain je ne sais quoi possessed by insolent floozies, back before skank was the new floozie. The most famous use of the word comes from the legendary Lady Catherine de Burgh: "You give your opinion very readily for someone so young. Such influence!"

Doug The Una said...

Deft, Mireille.

J.D., I was just in a good mood.

Bohemians are gracious, too.

Sponge girl, I bow before your literariishness.

Anonymous said...

Low road to affluence?

Janet said...

Your definition gives new meaning to the phrase, "under the influence" as used in a sentence like this:

She was arrested yesterday and charged with driving under the influence.