Story #56, The story of a wholesome little girl and her precious little dog.

To hear the story, join the family for dinner.

To read the story, pet the family dog.
And, on the topic of big happy families, happy birthday to Actonbell the Magnificent!
This week in The Prattler, "Cross of Air."
Hey, brother! How´s it hanging?
That was very well written. Scared teh living daylights out of me! A bit like Cujo...scary stuff.
Wonder what Puppytoes is gonna say!
so, let me get this straight: while Jamie Dawn is off saving surly hunters in the Ozarks, and Masil is re-building forests in Washington, and a cigar chomping TLP is kicking ass at poker in a den of iniquity, i'm off with my adorable dog quietly ridding the neighborhood of pesky annoyances?
Timmy and the dog catcher i can see, but the cat? the baby? oh well, at least i was cute. no one can stay mad at cute, right?
all i can say, my dear, is that YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!! i'd tell you i was ROTFLMAO, but you know how i hate using that kind of language. nevertheless, i am laughing and laughing... and thinking you're probably very glad i told you i can't be easily offended. you'll only know this for a fact if--and when--i ever visit you, i'm not wielding a shovel.
well done! i know this will come as a shock, but most people would never put paint me as dark... i'm very glad you did!! I ADORED THIS STORY. (not sure how i'll explain it to my mom, tho'...) BRAVISSIMO!!
Stephen King, Alfred Hitchcock, Twilight Zone, this story could work for all. Even that HBO series The Hitch Hiker (remember that?). Suffice to say, as a fan of this story genre, as well as our Puppy Snuppy Neva, I loved this story!
Have a great weekend blogger buddies. :)
Oh that was perfection with a capital P for that very reason that Neva said - not many would paint her as dark - but she was cute and dark! Which I might say is not unlike her in real life - and I mean that as a compliment in the highest. Sort of like Vendetta and Charlotte and rolled up into one. Making fiends, making fiends....
Bravo to the author/storyteller and the subject - this may go into bedtime story rotation!
Oooooweeee! I laughed, I cried, I laigued some more and then I s**t my pants! Dios mio que miedo!
Neva so dark? Who'd a thunk it but you hermano! BRAVISIMO INDEED! INDEED!
And Neva, how fab and how fitting for you to star in your very own story! Funkified fo sho!!! A total of 7 siblings? Who'd a thunk that?
I will never think of Snuppy the same way again! And man will I ever behave when I visit you Neva! I so do not want to get in Snuppy's bad graces! Fo sho!
I laigued? That's "laughed"!
Great story! Loved it. Absolutely loved it.
Neva, you're "adorable."
Uh, Puppytoes you said those records were expunged?
Great story Doug although I may have to re-examine all those freshly dug holes in our backyard I had blamed poor BoBo for. I also find it a bit disturbing that as a toddler, our boy #2 one Christmas wanted only a shovel! A chip off the old Mom block perhaps???
Oh fellow bloggers, I beg you, if you do not hear from me for a length of time...if my own blog goes mysteriously unkept or dark...well, you know.
I must go now to hide the shovels.
Or if a certain NBFF becomes just a B (uried) -FF. I shudder at the thought of our dear Snuppy but I'm rethinking some of our conversations about gardening...(okay I made that part up but it worked).
Wonderful job, Doug! Neva (aka Puppybrose in these parts) is great... one of the best new bloggers in our Blogosphere!
Twilight Zone is what I thought of made me thinking of a Halloween party in college when I was dressed as a doll, banana curls and pink cheeks the works -- and a group of people who were tripping were scared to death of me. One guy finally asked if I was acting out the Twilight Zone episode in which the doll possesses everyone. When I said no, he answered, "I knew you were too nice to do that on purpose.
Ooo Neva, on purpose and everything. We'll be checking in on Joel regularly for sure.
Hee-hee!! Neva's adorablly evil? Sweet! It's alwasys the cute ones you must look out for.
It was very Steven Kingish. Scary. The little blue pill doesn't do scary but does Doug.
Um...errr. That didn't come out right. Let me try again. The LBP doesn't READ scary but she READS Doug. Yes. Phew.
Well, hey, Minka! I'm not answering that question. Minka, it will be interesting to see what Puppytoes has to say. Oh!
Puppybrose, on my moral map, that puts you near sainthood. So glad you enjoyed the story. I have to admit, before I published I noticed how soft the soil is around here.
THat's heady company, Sar. Thanks.
G, I love the idea of the story being a bedtime tale. Thanks.
Miz B, and we laughed with you.
TLP, Neva is adorable isn't she? Watch her.
Joel, I think hiding the shovels sounds very, very wise and if Neva comes downstairs with ponytails just run, brother. Run like the wind.
Thanks, Aral. I think she's pretty cool, too.
Mutha, my name is Talking Tina and I like you.
Jenna, so glad you're so relieved.
oh my, the things you find out about your friends at Waking Ambrose! Neva? Did you really send the boys to California? Joel, Halloooo, are you there? Poor misunderstood Snuppy. *snicker*
Actually puppybrose, I don't worry about you, but I wonder about our dear Dawg, and what dark corners there are in his mind!! Interesting story Doug. :-) You are a funny and talented man. You must be changing genres.
*Waves* *blows Kisses*
I'm going away til the 18th and I thought I'd say 'bye' so none of you think that I've met with a mysterious fate and disappeared under the fence :-)
I was just asking about you in the Snark Kyah! Jenna's taking a headcount as we speak! Enjoy your vacation - relieved to hear from you.
Thanks g! ♥
ooppps! that was supposed to be one of these: ♥
never mind.... :-)
Ambrose channeling Hitchcock and Poe, with a soupçon of Stephen King. Wicked, wicked ... yet oddly satisfying. Good writing, D. xoxo
Tiramisu, Doug, definitely tiramisu
oh, and don't think i'm not taking down the names of all who so delighted in this humorous tale of, um... i mean wasn't this a hilarious bit about hitoneous behavior ? yeah, that's what i meant...
my older son imagines that, as a kid, i was a lot like the little girl, Scout, in To Kill a Mockingbird, but after reading this i'm guessing he'll start conjuring up visions of Rhoda in The Bad Seed. (come to think of it, that might not be a bad thing. in fact, it might actually make it easier to force him get a job!)
oh, and Kyahgirl... where was it you said you'd be camping again? (heh heh) ♥ seriously, have a fabulous time! i'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about. not. one. itsy. bitsy. thing. ♥
nope. i'm not offended. not at all! *smiles sweetly ~ shifts eyes from side to side ~ slinks back down into the basement*
Kyahgirl, I'm growing a little skeptical about your vacation, but I do hope you enjoy "it."
Kyah, I see the heart in both.
A soupcon (I can't do the circonflex) Mireille? I don't know who is more refined, you or the birthday girl?
Eat up, Logo, and thanks.
Snuppy, I can absolutely see you as Scout. Why didn't I think of that?
pfffft. I can only aspire to the Paradise Alley that is Actonbell's refinement. Happy Birthday, A-bella! ♥ xoxo
(Didja ever notice how some folks pester you to post BASIP, and then they don't come by to visit?)
AP3....*some* of us were not only happy to visit, we actually enjoyed learning about the very interesting-and-prolific-tho'-kind of pathetic Stephen Foster and hearing some of those songs (still, i can't quite stop laughing when i think about Camptown Races... doo dah! doo dah!)
wannna borrow my shovel? xox
Listened to the story yesterday, came back to read it today. It holds up. Reads well.
You should write a book Douglas. You've had wild true experiences and you're a wonderful liar. Winning combo.
yes some of us did venture right over and got our weekly dosis of Basip in pezland. Some people ar ejust not worth reminding, Ap3! :)
He is not telling us, but i do believe he has other friend soutside of our happy family...
Mireille, anyone who uses the word "note" to refer something you can't hear is plenty refined by my standards.
SIS, I pestered you because I am interested and new my day would soon be taken from me. I would never forget! Whine, whine, whine. Now I know we're kin.
Snuppy, thanks for the support.
Why, TLP? You don't like my blog?
Minka, no-one likes me here either.
Oh, a Willie update for everyone: The vet was highly impressed by the fast recovery and gave him back the backyard, to be followed by a gradual return of his hunting privileges.
that's GREAT news! tho' i'm guessing Willie'd be taking back those privileges with or *without* his doctor's okay.
That is wonderful news. I bet he enjoys the idea of lossing you attached to the leash behind him very much. Roam away, Willie!
Doug, you gave me a real case of the whillies with your Talking Tina come-back. Good one.
Good for Willie! Long may he run.
You have got to film that one for sure Doug.
Puppybrose, thanks. Willie's name isn't "will" for nothing.
Yeah, Minka. Although he has a few more weeks of leash walks, he's learned to turn them to his advantage.
Thanks. Mutha. The Twilight Zone was one of my favorites as a kid. Rod Serling is still a hero.
Thanks, G.
Cooper. did you have a part in mind?
Quite a mood you build up in this story - enjoyed it very much! (spoken as a Twilight Zone / Rod Serling fan since childhood).
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