Getting to know you has changed my life. I feel like I've made a great friend since we've met and I don't make friends easily. While sometimes I'm not entirely sure you should be walking the streets, I keep a $10 bill in my pick-up truck just in case I see you. Truly, the time we spend together is as meaningful to me as my job and easier to remember. You totally rock in your own unique way. You are gracious, salacious, independent, resplendent, an excellent defendant, generous, ponderous, pristine, punctual, pleasant, aggressive, impressive, congested, suggestive, kind, cornered, confessed, flagellated, agitated, aggravated, rhetorical, historical, poetic and apparently peripatetic. You watch too much television. You want the World Champion Chicago White Sox to win it all again this year and I bless you for that, my dear friend..

How to be a future guest, again, on this site: Just send an email to dpascover at mac dot com. On a future Wednesday, after posting that week's guest, I'll send you an email with a word to define. You'll be expected to return your definition along with a graphic representing either your definition or yourself by the following Saturday. The only rules are no profanity and no novels, please. And whatever I make up at the last minute.
I will be contacting previous guests who regularly comment here to repeat in no particular order. Previous guests who haven't been much heard from since their guest post should recontact if they would like to repeat.
First, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
-Mark Twain-
Olio=oiling up, v. Thank you so much Doug. I have been waiting all my life for somebody to see those things in me. *sobs*
first (or second) let me say thank you for that lovely introduction! hopefully i'll not need that 10 bucks any time soon.
olio: blogosphere
spouse: one who, after 21 years, continues to love you even after seeing you without makeup and/or *with* frosting foils in your hair, does the dishes every-single-night, and still give you butterflies and/or shivers with a look, a touch, or a kiss.
(sorry, Doug, but you asked for it, and since it's our anniversary, i'm feeling a bit sentimental!)
BUTTER, part. Comparative of BUTT, the prominence of which is directly proportional to the consumption of dietary fats and other produce.
And now for something completely different, in honor of our President and his Administration:
FREEDOM, n. The price of stupidity.
See what happens when you point fingers, Doug?
puppytoes: happy anniversary. You two are just too cute!
spouse, once in a blue moon they are called Joel or Puppytoes.
Congratulations to me and all the rest of the mes featured today! Doug couldn't have featured anyone nicer.
Olio: A substance whose market demand goes down as the availability of butter decreases.
P.s.: sometimes when I go to visit Doug's site, I find myself typing in "butterbierce" instead of "bitterbierce". Does anyone else have that?
Word: An invitation to my intellectual playground; a catalyst for expressing one's thoughts and opinions which apparently includes elaborate excuses and ruses by a certain curmudgeon dog minus a guest. ;)
(10 demerits if you respond to this comment with "Word", Doug, as you're more clever than that.)
Brian, that's an excellent poem.
Happy Anniversary to the loveloveloving couple, Neva & Joel!
olio: where rock and funk collide http://www.oliomusic.com/
collide ,v. What my free time and my blogging time do on a regualr basis.
indy, some of us just bookmark pages and go from there or click on of those little underlined thingies called a link! :)
mis-typing, n. actually using the url-box
Some things are just a click away though!
Thank you all for the wonderful sentiments...your warmth and kindness is disarming, leaving me temporarily at a loss for words...and definitions.
It's bad enough I have to come here and think up a definition, Doug. Now I have to think up a word?!?!
pout: the little blue pill's way of saying "Crap"
Thank you Douglas.
I never doubted for a moment that you would put me on a pedestal, wash my feet with milk and rose petals and worship the ground I walk on.
As I gaze down on my many admirers and fans, whose Boticelli angel's face catches my eye but yours? How can I not acknowledge the admiration in those blue eyes, how can I not see the patina of nervous sweat on your brow, how can I not but notice those quivering lips full of anticipation, waiting for the pearls of wisdom to fall from mine?
If there was anyone worthy of me, sweet prince, I assure you its you. So still that madly beating heart.
Please, limit the applause to 10 minutes only.
Mush: what they say to dogs to make them run faster
... and, no relation to the above but a very Happy Birthday to Krishna ... Hare Krishna!!!
And a deliriously Happy Anniversary to my fav couple, Neva and Joel. Have a good 'un, you two!
wicqmfwf: wicked queen mother farts, woof!
2 Down: 4 letter word for place where everybody knows your "name" and they're (usually) glad you came.
Put that ten away, your money's no good around here.
Karma, I have just collapsed on my desk from the import of your words.
Hare Krishna.
Karma, I did not!
Hare Krishna.
So much to celebrate, so few flowers in Iceland.
*hands a wanna-be tree to India*
i've always thought the soldiers guarding the castle that belonged to the Wicked Witch of the East were singing: "O-lee-oh... yo-oh! O-lee-oh...yo--oh!" as they marched along the bridge (in the Wizard of Oz). perhaps Karma has indeed discovered some underlying theme in today's post! Cheeky Wizard...
Hare Krishna!
(and thanks to all for your kind and lovely wishes... Brian, that poem was inspired! thank you)
Minka, of course, I'm only guessing on the stripes. Every other word I'll testify to.
Puppybrose, goofiness never takes me by surprise.
O Ceallaigh, your definition for freedom shows why you're the master.
Aren't they Minka? I'm pretty sure I could never work for either of them with a straight face.
Brian, nicely done as always.
Sar, an excellent suggestion and well-spelled.
Cooper, I see no collision. More of an endless, gentle coupling.
Minka, God only knows where you'd end up if you typed into the URL box.
Cowboy up, Joel. Celebrating fully your good fortune and great marriage is going to need some tart humor if I've come to know your wife even a little.
Jenna, "Pout" is the best word for you since "Trollop."
Hare Karma! (and beautifully written as ever)
You sure, G? Guess I'll bet on a horse instead.
Hahaha, Minka!
Ave Snuppy! Ave Bobo!
darling g, here, have some smelling salts. and thanks
no salts for you naughty Minks! but i can throw you a frozen codfish
you're welcome, Neva. have a drink in my name
woof, Douglas
Define, v. To describe, delimit, determine, detail, and designate, all de fine terms that apply to an expression, idiom, locution, comment, message, lexeme, name, etc.
(I demand 10 points from Sar for not using the "w" term.
Thanks, Douglas, for the lovely and loving intro you gave me. And, oh yeah, the rest of those folks.
Dull,adj. The obtuse, pointless, apathetic, blank, flat, listless, languid, stagnat, torpid, routine, boring, indifferent, vacuous, soporific state one finds themselves in after too much work.
Hence the explanation of the doldrums in which I have become mired.
What the hell is this about? And why is it worth only $10?
You knew this because you already knew this: virago \vuh-RAH-go; vuh-RAY-go\, noun:
1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage.
2. A woman regarded as loud, scolding, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, or overbearing.
Karma, I know you were kidding, yet that was breathtaking...
Doug, I am somewhat disappointed. I thought you knew me better than that... :-P
see also, by hook or by crook,
the method and extremes to which Doug is willing to go to FINALLY get Actonbell as a Wednesday guest definer.
I hardly watch any TV at all, Doug, I KNEW you hadn't been paying attention! (sob sob)
Arf, Karma!
TLP, it's all about you.
VI, I had a question about code. Should I leave it as a comment on your blog?
Mireille, how did you come to hear that word? xoxo
Ariel, If you wrote a blog I might.
Brian, try not to spill your popcorn when you emote.
That's funny, Logo. Surely she'll show up for this. I meant movies.
Naughty? Karma, why I beg you to stop such non-sense...
Well, I sure never contemplated on such a subject in my life. I am a nurse, how can that possibly be naughty :)
Minka, I think I once saw a documentary called "Hot Nurses in Cold Climates." Mostly prayer, contemplation and sponge baths, right? Very wholesome, although I've heard about March of The Penguins, too which paints a much different picture.
Hot Nurses In Cold Climates and you said this featured Minka? Huh. Interesting. xoxo
Etymology: Middle English desolat, from Latin desolatus, past participle of desolare to abandon, from de- + solus alone
1 : devoid of inhabitants and visitors : DESERTED
2 : joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one a desolate widow>
3 a : showing the effects of abandonment and neglect : DILAPIDATED a desolate old house>
b : BARREN, LIFELESS a desolate landscape>
c : devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope : GLOOMY desolate memories>
synonym see ALONE, DISMAL
Desolate: Deserted - my preferred campsite
The antonym {populous} of which is a suitable description for your place.
Doug~ Oooh movies, well, since we started Netflix THAT is a distinct possibility.
Actonbell~ So glad I could encourage you to share that with us. I shall add that to my list of accomplishments for the day, that makes a final tally of...one.
Whew, I'm exhausted.
Hurray, Actonbell! Ruses come in every shade.
Mireille, it may have been a different penguin.
So, Terry, it means disconsolate but only at home?
See, Logo, I was paying attention. And thanks for your help. That was big.
Yes, I AM historical, and all those other things you said.
You forgot to say that I'm frugal, vivacious, and always right.
Very good special guest idea, Doug.
Olio: Ohio misspelled
Nope - I don't use that definition - at home or anywhere else. Well, actually maybe I do, when I go all the way to Casper's Hot Dogs and find them closed...
o·li·o (ō'lē-ō')n., pl. -os ,
Hodgepodge lodge.
Yes, it is all about me. It's good to be Queen.
Jamie Dawn, I left out cute as a button. My bad.
Terry, to decide on hot dog, get in a car in search of a hot dog and end up with not hot dog to eat? Desolation. Despair. I don't know what to say.
Darn tootin', TLP. And nice work! with the phonetics. Can you teach me?
thanks ariel. could that be the beginning of another movie script? :))
Minks sweetie, that was a compliment. it's good to be a naughty nurse - now tell us about those movies you have secretly been starring in!
nfomtv: nurses 4 MTV
gentle coupling sound ok but once in awhile I like a good old collision.;0
well, karma, I was younger back then, besides the director was a real stud. They told me I was beautiful and had talent. But before you can get somewhere, you have to go down and dirty ;)
And with a name like Minx? My parents didn´t even gave me a chance, now did they?
I can't believe I just typed that :)
nah, we all need money, nobody blames you... :-P
Terry, we understand each other.
Karma, I'd love to read another Karma/Ariel production.
We all do, Cooper. It's very normal. We're still talking about blogging, right?
Minka, I can't believe you just typed it correctly.
Haha, Ariel. Are you going to tell your story now?
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