Thursday, April 14, 2005


Astrology, n. The science of making the dupe see stars. Astrology is by some held in high respect as the precursor of astronomy. Similarly, the night-howling tomcat has a just claim to reverential consideration as precursor to the hurtling bootjack.

2005 Update: The practice of ennobling personality defects by projecting into the heavens what's resented by the neighbors. Autoidolatry.


Sreekesh Menon said...

if science and religion cant answer it, just look up and ask the stars, thats what!

Doug The Una said...

Why not down at the ants?

Sreekesh Menon said...

not mysterious enough!

Doug The Una said...

Oh, yeah? Then you explain how they always know there's a picnic!

Sreekesh Menon said...

the celestial signs show us exactly where to pitch the basket, on top the hill !