Episode 26 of The Meditations of Diogenes The Cynic. Thanks to the Blochalela Foundation for sponsoring this week's reading.
To hear the story, ignore Cassandra
This week in The Prattler, "The Romney Inaugural."

The story can be read from the cliff.
This week in The Prattler, "The Romney Inaugural."

The story can be read from the cliff.
Conversion of the original file added a whine. The original recording is below:
Episode 26 of The Meditations of Diogenes The Cynic, read by Weirsdo.
Look who´s up early and gives a girl witha time zone advantage a treat :)
Doug, I wanted to read the story but instead I got this.
I have a new email.
My computer is being a large pain in the butt right now!
damn. it made me cry.
ok, the second recording was lovely to listen,too... well done, weirsdo.
'male offspring of a dog of the female persuasion" was a brilliant ending'
Minka, very prompt, young lady.
Cheesemeister, thanks. I think the link is working now.
Ariel, her prophesying is perfected now.
Thanks, Minka. That's my kind of poetry.
once again, well done, Mrs. Weirsdo! what a fantastic and well-nuanced reading. *claps enthusiastically*
and once again, well done, Doug. this was a fantastic and well-directed episode. that Alice, choosing to follow her destiny, whether she thinks she intends to, or not. apparently, being an assassin is more difficult than one might imagine. (messy, too.) ; )
The Destinist destitutely deterged the desultory Oracle. And if you think that doesn't make sense, then you have some.
What a classical wonderful reading! Bravo Weirsdo, nicely done. And bravo to you too Doug for a wonderfully "executed" story. Could there be a twist in this ending? I guess we'll find out.
Nicely done you two.
Yes, that's better. Sounds like poor Alice is just a pawn of the Fates.
PANSI wants you to know that she doesn't care about these people and their silly problems, she has REAL problems. But she would like you to see this.
“Sonofabitch!” I LOVE that! xoxo
Best written episode yet.
Great job, Weirsdo!
Neva, my "direction" was understanding that Weirsdo owns Cassandra.
She definitely did, TLP.
Thanks, G. What's a twist?
Cheesie, A new aadventures of Pansi?!?!?! And just when I thought my heart had dried up.
Haha, Mireille. You conform to no stereotypes, that's true.
And interior design, probably, too, Actonbell.
Thanks Quentin and Icy.
Thanks to everyone, and especially Doug for another opportunity to explore my creepy inner prophetess.
It took you long enuff, Mr. Dog!!!! You can come visit me in the Never World if you want and if I am not to bizzy but do not menshon the dried-up hart thing becuz that mite be a dish at Steak Thru the Hart wich is a TERRABLE restorant they have there!!!
I will be back to this in the morning when I am more astute and can give it my full attention.
You should not complain about comments disappearing Dawg. I have had my trials here.
Rabbit, rabbit!
Nice job with the story and reading, once again.
Rabbit rabbit!
"Her body slumped against Alice, soaking her tunic in blood."
Doug, you're scaring me!
Rabbit, Rab...
Bunny Bunny, Dog.
Happy Canada Day,
and all that jazz.
Lovely reading.
So, do I want to be an assassin or not?
Wonderful reading. Doug I want to morph into you for the brilliant lines and sparkling comments
I'm having all kinds of Mac problems just when Apple couldn't care less about computers. I know this doesn't belong here but I really need to complain
Weirsdo, thank you. You make me sound bardish.
Pansi, the cocktails are on me.
We have our trials here below, Cooper.
Actonbell, you're taking your July luck to the slots?
Thanks, AP3. Rabbit Rabbit!
TLP, and also to you.
Sorry JD, it'll be funny again soon I hope.
Ne va, rabbit rabbit
Hey, Happy Canada Day, JJ!
Nessa, check with the family. I'm thinking so.
Thanks, Pia. Venting is always welcome here.
I'm sorry, it made me laugh.
Thanks AP3, Goldennib, and Pia.
No offense Doug, but that's the best reading I've heard in a long time, maybe ever. Mrs. Weirsdo should go into audio books.
A great story well read is a knock out punch.
Thanks, Indie.
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