Both of us were pretty wild
We scared the nervous and the old
Behaving carelessly and bold
With menace, malice and mad valor
We gave the frail and wan new pallor.
We never feared the mossy trees,
Reptiles, spiders or disease
We didn't mind the call to war,
Blood or bile or wile or gore.
We didn't jump at sudden sounds
Or angry barks from sloppy hounds,
We horrified for help and health
With naught to love but fear itself.
Now ancient evil's smoothly worn
As dolorous new wrongs are born
As sorry fools grow rich and famous
When we charge, there's none can blame us.
When parents join in trick-or-treating
The wilderness must be retreating
And once the worst have been defrauded,
Our misbehavior is applauded.
So, middle-aged and tamed, you see,
We've come to fear longevity.
HALLOWED, p.p. Justified by fate.