Friday, October 30, 2009


DESHABILLE, n. A reception costume for intimate friends varying according to locality, e.g. In Borrioboola Gha, a streak of red and yellow paint across the thorx. In San Francisco, pearl ear-rings and a smile.

2009 Update: Casual or careless garb. According to the lexicographer, the antonym for nudity.

And a very happy birthday to sister AP3. May Facebook fete you as warmly as the blogosphere remembers.


TLP said...

You made this word up, huh?

Have you been lookin' at the ladies underwear in the Penney's catalog again?

It's a new word to me. But I can't think of a way to work it into casual conversation.

Verifier: imelochy ...that makes me sad.

Ariel the Thief said...

I don't know that word but I can very much imagine a a Spanish husband breaking in her wife's room, screaming, "You have slept with my brother!", and the lady covers her eyes, reaches out one hand, and cries, "Deshabille!", which means "Ah what an bominable calumny! If my sisters learn how you talk to me, they are going to burn you in your boots, oh you mean man!"

Ariel the Thief said...

There, there, TLP. Beer?

Anonymous said...

new clothes


k. riggs gardner said...
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TLP said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday to your separated-at-birth sister,AP3!
Well, I called her, and sent her a card, but you know....

Happy Birthday AP3.

@Ariel, sure, I'll take a beer. Whatchagot?

the amoeba said...

But, mesdames et messieurs, how could you have "gay Paree" without deshabille?

Yes, yes, straight Paree too. Sheesh.

DESHABILLE, n. String bikini. The uniform of the Hawaii tourist. (The locals know better).

Happy birthday, AP3! But I didn't know you joined the military? Isn't that what "facebook" is, a military marching manual? All 'About Face'?

Jamie Dawn said...

I've never heard of this word. I probably would never publicly wear the non-clothing that it seems to be, so I will leave it to the Speedo wearers and non-truffle eaters to wear such little attire.

Happy B-day to AP3!!!!!!

I'm already craving Chandra again. I'll have to do with Halloween candy for now.

quilly said...

In the romance genre, deshabille is a barely dressed state -- and no, I didn't spell that incorrectly.

Happy Birthday, AP3!

Tom & Icy said...

A mangy mutt that wandered into the dog show.

Ariel the Thief said...

Happy Birthday, AP3! I don't care WHAT cake, really... :)

Ariel the Thief said...

The things you find when try to learn about the word LOL! Go, girl!

k. riggs gardner said...
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tsduff said...

Better late than never...
hey from your favorite crow....

k. riggs gardner said...
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k. riggs gardner said...
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Nessa said...

Is that word like French or something? My tongue can't wrap its self around French words so I pretend they don't exist.

Happy Birthday AP3.

Ghost, Goblins, Ghouls, Oh, My

TLP said...

@ Karen: what fire????? It was on fire when I lay down on it.

k. riggs gardner said...
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Ariel the Thief said...

"It was on fire when I lay down on it." TLP, I love that book!!

k. riggs gardner said...
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Doug The Una said...

Nope, TLP. I think it comes from Belgian.

I like the script, Ariel. Not a Spanish word, but I think you can write the screenplay for Marquez starting there.

Jah, Bear.

Just so, Karen.

Right, TLP. I figured she heard it from you somehow.

AU contraire, mon Amoeba. AP3 was in the military for six years.

JD, I'm ready for Chandra when you are.

Quilly, what's a barely dressed county?

Good example, Icy, and I beg your pardon.

Funny photo, Ariel. I mean the one you posted the link to.

Karen, AC/DC always reminds me of things I shouldn't ought to have done in Australia and cars I shouldn't ought to have been in.

Hey, there, favorite crow.

It's been awhile since lyrics were posted here. Thanks, Karen the Librarian.

Je pense oui, Nessa.

TLP, you and Ariel might explain the book.

Karen, everything I need to know is still just starting to sink in.

Cooper said...

Cheap Halloween costuming.

weirsdo said...

The wilder, more risqué sister of décolleté.

k. riggs gardner said...

"A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) boiled atop the box office with $32.9 million on approximately 4,700 screens at 3,332 sites".

According to

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