Today's special guest, fresh from a birthday and the reinternment of her daughters is Dddragon! (Aka Alled Mickey Mouse Pez.)
Dragon defined for us:
Animation, n. 1. A profession for people who don't want to ever grow up.
2. The industry whose philosophy is "If one picture is worth a thousand words, 24 drawings per second are worth thousands of dollars each."
3. The Art that Walt Made Acceptable.
Above, an animation storyboard by Dddragon
About Dddragon: Dddragon is a rennaisance woman in an era that's gone back further. She is a graduate of Penn State University and CalArts in Santa Clarita, California, the land of kings. She excels as an artist and muralist and, as we see above animator. What's more, she's raising two extraordinary girls, Goa'uld (aka Tak Simba Pez) and Bookworm (aka Haras Pickachu Pez,) whose developmental needs Dddragon exploits to go camping with other grown women. All of that is impressive but the ace kicker is the woman can grill an egg in its shell. I've seen pictures. Dddragon is also a conscripted band booster, a Church volunteer and an education student. In addition and to our benefit, she writes and illustrates a great weblog filled with art and thought and the creativity that comes with both. Recent posts on her site reveal that she's consulting a team of experts to investigate her sleep deprivation.
About the Pezes, part II: The first family of my blogosphere, the Pezes are the rare family composed coherently of diverse characters. They're all so different and so close that when you read all of their sites, and I do daily, it's like reading The Adams Chronicles and watching The Addams Family at the same time. For the record, I'm still hoping to add Bookworm, Actonbell, and Tan Lucy to my list of future guest lexicographers. No pressure. The names are all linked here so you can conveniently leave comments on their sites. Just sayin'.
How to be a special guest: Just leave a comment below or send me an email at dpascover @ gmail.com and I'll add you to the list. Just please make sure I have your email address. Immediately after posting the Wednesday guest post, I'll email the next person on the list with a word to define. I ask for the definition no later than the next Saturday. And please, no profanity. I'm very sensitive.