For this week's guest I'm honored to have an entry from the brilliant
Goa'uld's definition is:
Trombone, n. Being the favorite instrument of torture used by the Goa’uld*, this long, tubular weapon usually made out of Naquada* or brass, operated by the moving of a U-shaped slide. It is used to create beautiful sounds while causing excruciating pain to the unfortunate victim who is standing before it.
*For those of you not cool enough to watch Stargate SG-1,
*Additional Lexicon:Goa'uld, n. A race of serpent symbiotes that more or less possess other species including humans.
Naquada, n. Powerful mineral that serves as the building block for all Goa'uld technology.
Chel'nuk, int. Jaffa term for "Very Cool."
syn: Chel'nat.
Source: The Gateworld Omnipedia.About this particular Goa'uld: Goa'uld aka Tak Simba Pez and her twin sister,
Bookworm aka Haras Pickachu Pez aka Tok'ra are my favorite teenagers on this blue world and still would be if the competition were better. In a lot of ways, they're very different but have brilliance, blogging (Goa'uld avidly and Bookworm reluctantly,) brass (or Naquada) instruments, Stargate, a
mother and a birthdate in common. Before I followed the links from Dddragon's site, I thought nice, well-mannered teenagers were extinct and had been since at least 1980.
A member of the first family of the Blogosphere, Goa'uld, like her mother and sister, is, um, well-scheduled. She plays trombone in her High School Marching Band; never misses an episode of Stargate so far as I can tell; writes, illustrates and animates a completely charming weblog, and considers a 90 on a test a catastophe. In my case it was always a clerical error. Goa'uld inherited the animation gene from her mother and did the flash animation above. On her profile, she lists her occupation as "Evil Twin" and I've never known her mother, grandmother, sister or aunts to disagree. Evil as she may be and clearly is, when she started leaving definitions here I decided she was my Charlie Bucket and I'm sticking to it. Goa'uld gets Waking Ambrose when I retire. And some chocolate.
About the Pezes, Part III: Goa'uld is the third and, for now (cough*Actonbell*cough*TLP*cough*Haras*cough,) final volunteer from the Pez family to do a guest entry here. It may seem like I'm sucking up to them in the hopes of being invited to picnic or something, but I assure all of you I'm guileless. Besides,
Aral eats foliage.
How to be a guest on this site: Just leave a comment here or email me at dpascover at mac dot com and let me know you're willing. You'll be added to a list. Every Wednesday after posting the guest entry, I will email the next person on my list with a word to define and a request for a picture or graphic (your profile picture is fine.) I ask the guest to get back to me by the end of the following Saturday. No profanity, please, minors read this site.