Disdain, n. Can you believe this? This is my word? Disdain? Damn blogger. Can't come up with anything better that that? Of course, I guess he has to consider his audience. They're a bunch of bloggers, too. All sitting around their computers, needlessly prattling on about their lives. Where the hell is my vicodin?
About I.M. Dedd: The author of Dead Guy Lives is one of those gems of the blogosphere, producing a cartoon strip as witty as the best you'll find in your newspaper. His humor is broad, keen and edgy with droll illustration. More or less gallows humor for the guillotine set. Not only is Ignatius skilled and clever, he's a pioneer, having invented first person toilet humor and making fun of the President.
Published every Monday except when he sneaks it in on Sunday, I strongly recommend a weekly view. When justice is finally done and Dead Guy syndicates, you'll have to pick up one of those self-righteous alternative weeklies to see his work. Here are three of my favorites: Disaster, Korky (warning, pedophile humor here,) and Monster Envy, Part II. Thanks, Ignatius, for a great guest appearance and for burnishing my street cred.
How to be a future guest in this site: Just send an email to dpascover at mac dot com. On a future Wednesday, after posting that week's guest, I'll send you an email with a word to define. You'll be expected to return your definition along with a graphic representing either your definition or yourself by the following Saturday. The only rules are no profanity and no novels, please. And whatever I make up at the last minute.
Can I get my disdain fermented?
Way to go Dedd!
Beautifully done, Dedd! :)
The cartoon rocks and the definition reminded me of when Blogger was down for eternity the other day.
Ah, the Dedd Guy! Very good. I have to make a point of checking him out weekly. His blog is always funny, every time I stop in.
Mr. Dedd, loving your work! I am a newbie, will be popping in regularly and yes, I will leave comments. I read your post telling newbies off.
Please don't tell me off!
That would be disdainful. Ha, ha, ha, haaaa!
Can we make corny the next word Doug? ;P
William, welcome. Any friend of the Dead Guy is a friend of mine. Or will be.
Thanks, Sar. Yeah when we could finally comment again, the blogger disdain was everywhere. If I were them, I'd have left it down.
Aral/Shiva, I know what you mean. Ever since I put the link in I get a "hey, it's Monday!" epiphany every Tuesday.
Miz Bohemia, I think you just did.
Nice one dedd.
I never touch the stuff myself.
I have great disdain for myself for having dreamt of my blog the other night...I dreamt I had 9 comments...I woke up and checked and I had nine comments...that is DISDAINFUL.
dedd's wit is a threat to all who think they are clever.
You'll be feeling disdain, Doug, when you see your daughter's blog.
Disdain: The pain in the pit of your stomach after watching a presidential speech. Cured only by daily doses of Prilosec or weekly doses of Dead Guy. (My online boyfriend, by the way, did he mention that?)
Mr. Dedd,
I like your style-terse, to the point and clever. The worldwideweb suits you to a tee. I think you should illustrate Doug's Drones.
That's a little spooky, Alice. Even without the soothsaying. I agree with you, too. Smart-alecks, behold thy King.
Good grief, Icy! You did it again?!?!?! Bad dog!
Princess, I should have mentioned that in my bio. Everybody, Dead Guy and Princess Wild Cow are cyberbetrothed. Marriage is Love, right PWC?
I agree that Mr. Dedd's work is funny. The urinal one was my favorite. The poor, short fella in the Katrina disaster was funny as well.
Disdain for things and people can be channeled into a pretty humorous cartoon strip.
Keep up the good work, Dedd!
Cyberbetrothed? They must be from Massachusetts.
Thanks, Jamie Dawn.
S, relationships between bloggers are ordained by technorati.
Funny a4g. So Shakespeah was from Joisy?
Yeah, Dedd, funny again.
Love that Dedd.
This blog is bad enuff without some dedd guy making fun of the President!!!!!!! I dont no what disdain is and to be onest I dont care!!!!
I'm sory, Mr. Dog, but that is my onest opinyon!!!!!!
Although we must never treat Pansi with disdain, out of respect for Doug's posthumous relationship with her, I do want to apologize for her. She is very patriotic and always supports our President, so I think Mr. Dedd hit a nerve. I think he's quite witty.
Dedd again, funny TLP.
Welcome, Chrissy.
Pansi, and we never want you to resist expressing it.
No need to apologize for Pansi, Weirsdo. When you're right, you're right.
Who are these people? What on earth can they be thinking???
Ignatius, they are people of low standards and few expectations. They are my friends.
Dedd rulz. I am a loyal fan, and now, alas, somewhat jealous. I always suspected something was going on with the princess.... and now my worst fears have been confirmed. He should be with me.. I'm dark. I'm disturbed. I've got it all!!
yours resentfully,
People of low standards and few expectations? Thank God that the word for today was disdain, otherwise you would find yourself with a pair of very hot ears my friend!
Loved the special guest today, from under which rock did this one crawl? ;)
Lot of Deddheads here, which I myself just recently became. I feel so much more centered now.
P.S. I like the Unitartian Universalist posts too.
Thanks, Doug, for getting it. I thought it might be too subtle since perhaps many have not seen that film. Then again, YOU always get it.
I just don't give a damn ...
Hold on, Lensma. The love of the dead transcends traditional limitations.
Monika, of course I never meant that to include you. Non-native English speakers are another category.
Welcome, Mr or Ms. Klemmer.
Sure, TLP. I think we're similarly warped.
That was just for example purposes, right D-cubed?
I think the Dead Guy has a great sense of humor. Anyhow, it's the kind of humor I like best.
P.S. Doug: You have some new competition.
Thanks, Indie. I saw that. Fantastic.
Would you like to elaborate on the category non-native English speakers obtain? Hope it is not an governmental American approach ;)
Um, the revered? OK, OK. I'll start cleaning the grill.
Were are you revered?
Oh trying to make yesterday today is just too much for me!
You escaped thh grill this time. I missed my 7 o´clock flight over there, the snow was blocking my way!
Pia, non-native English speakers are revered. I'm mostly scorned.
So you got your snow, Monika. I'm delighted for you but sorry you missed that flight. I'll keep the grill ready for you.
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