Universalist, n. One who forgoes the advantage of hell for persons of another faith.
2005 Update: A seeker of the salvation reserved for the inclusive.
And happy belated (I think) birthday to Spirit Dancer, who may share TLP's birthday. Masil, you hush up.

Can't believe I'm the first here to go. Well, I'm just saying hi. Haven't logged in days and I miss all my friends' blogs so much.
Take care Doug.
Universalist, n., one who believes that there is something to salvage within every person.
Hard to believe, eh?
ddd, I guess all teachers are Universalists. :)
Have a great weekend, gang.
Since I have sinned many times and I don´t see the future to be sinless, I´d like to believe in the idea that ´God is not a sadist´.
If he does exist, than I wouldn´t mind him to be a universalist.
verifier: wiywdwpj -this is how the devil sounds like with a whip in his hand - I have just reformed to universalism:)
Universalist: Isn't that the technical term for the attraction guide and map one gets when they enter the theme park?
Marwa, thanks and hi. You take care too.
Dddragon, you mean like kidneys?
Fred, you're being pretty inclusive towards teachers.
Monika, "God is not a sadist" isn't exclusive to Unitarian theology. You just can't get elected on it. Voters are masochists.
Sar, I think you're thinking of "It's a small world after all."
Universalist: Someone who believes that the universe is flat.
Universalists: People who believe that God will save every person...even if they don't believe in God.
Although, I'm afraid there are quite a few UU's who believe that everyone will be saved - except for the really, really, really bad people - who are not us. Oh, wait, those must be the Unitarians.
Universalist,n., A car part. Sometimes it makes the car lean to one side. Or the other.
It is said that wherever you find two Jews, you find three religious opinions. Unitarian-Universalists would be amazed at such unanimity.
Wait TLP--Unitarian/Universalists have more religious opinions than two Jews
But it isn't fair. I want the religion where I can have the most amount of religious opinions
But I believe in the Hitler rule: you're Jewish even if you convert to Unitarian/Universalists or even Catholicism
Haha, Indie. Good one. I wonder if there have been any UU astronauts.
Nice, Manchego. Universalist, I presume.
Funny, TLP. I can imagine. Especially if, as Pia suggested yesterday, most are Jews who have added an attachment.
Pia, that'll probably always be whichever religion you belong to.
Universalist, n. A person who believes there is, at most, one God, and that when we die, we go to, at most, one afterlife.
Doug, You got it!
unitarian (n) - A single small cog in a very large machine. See widget.
A universalist shows extreme prejudice against anyone born in the universe.
Aral, I like how you put that.
Manchego, the branch felt pretty strong.
Hahahaha, Poobah.
I love it, J.D. I myself have been a victim of Universalist discrimination. It's time to pass a law.
a college student who goes on and on
neat stuff
The humans who have realized what dogs knew all along, the image of the divine is on us all.
I have been denied access to restaurants and verbally assaulted. As if I can help it that I was born in this universe. If I could change that fact, I would. It really sucks being the object of discrimination.
Karma, I bet they don't even have a name for a college student who doesn't.
Thanks, Shreekesh. How've you been?
Ariella, by divine do you mean meat?
And the funny part, Jamie Dawn, is that you don't even look it.
So what is the answer anyway? What's it all about? Do we have a list of all the galaxies here by now?
I thought a Universalist was someone who participated in that beauty pageant Trump throws every year?
Am I wrong again?
Guess what everyone? There has been a Universalist miracle!
Someone claims to have seen the face of Ralph Waldo Emerson in a tortilla!
TLP, as I once commented to Pia, we live and have our beings to keep dogs from learning ambition.
Alice, you're never wrong. We just may need to talk to the folks at Webster.
TLP, how can they be sure it was a tortilla?
They say that a Unitarian is someone who believes s/he is too good to be damned, and a Universalist is someone who believe God is too good to damn her/him.
Actonbell! Your nieces read this site! Or used to. Actually that's a great definition. Have a great trip and tell us all about it when you get back.
They do say that Weirsdo. In fact, ap3 said it yesterday in this very space. :P
Sorry. I didn't get around to reading all the comments. I had put off saying it, as all we Unitarians get drilled on it, and I knew someone would come up with it soon.
Et tu, Weirsdo? Is this a Unitarian site and no-one told me?
It is said that there are more Unitarians out there than ever go to church. Some, because it's okay and they're not going to hell just because they don't go to church. The rest, because they don't know that they're Unitarian yet.
Good grief, Dddragon. I'm starting to think a UU church is a comedy club with a tax exemption.
I go! In fact, I'm the Music Chair AND a Religious Education teacher, and all this while refusing to attend a single meeting (not just because I hate them; I work when other people are off).
Doug: Unitarian Universalists do not have a creed. Instead we subscribe to seven principles. These include respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people, for the interdependent web of existence, for reason, and for wisdom from all traditions. Belief in God is not necessary.
Really I'm a humanist. I don't see any evidence that God exists, but for me that's not really all that relevant to what's important (living ethically with others), anyway. If God turns out to exist, more power to Her.
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