Peter offers the following definition of Supply-Side.
Supply Side, adj. Following an economic scheme to benefit the unfortunate by depending upon the squandering of the well-to-do.
Supply Side, n. A pejorative term applied to all tax cuts by liberals which may threaten their ability to spend such monies as they know better and best. See also, ‘wealthiest one percent’
Supply Sides, v. The action of inexpensive steam table and fast food restaurants consisting of an inexhaustible variety of slaws, potatoes, salads, and pudding.
“I defy you to Agitate any fellow with a full stomach.” – William Cobbett, Writing as Peter Porcupine, 1806.
About Peter Porcupine: Peter Porcupine was the pseudonym of William Cobbet, a late 18th/early 19th century pamphleteer and double-exile with a knack for entangling himself in candor. Peter Porcupine is also the nom de geurre of a cumudgeonly commentator of the early 21st century blogosphere. The first Peter was an agrarian populist who criticized the democracy and politics of his adopted home, earning himself repatriation at haste. His Specter now serves a new form of retro-conservatism, which is to say, conservatism. The ghost reviews political developments at the national and very local levels, all with a gloriously jaundiced eye.
I enjoy the ghost Peter Porcupine and appreciate his politics. When libertarian, populist, small government conservatives still roamed the Earth, I numbered myself among them. The site makes me sentimental for the coldly rational conservatives of yore. The ghostblogger Peter writes elegantly in slightly archaic English that hearkens to the pamphlets of his predecessor. Obviously he does that much better than I do here. Peter's site is thoughtful and makes a good counterpoint to the considered leftish writing in Bread and Circuses by Andrew Donaldson, the guest here two weeks back.
How to be a future Wednesday Guest on Waking Ambrose: Please send me an email at dpascover at mac dot com and let me know that you're willing to write a definition for a future Wednesday guest post. The only rules are no profanity and a request that you return your definition by the following Saturday.
Happy Anniversary to Dddragon!
Well I 'm gald at least that those three were not real posts. I was a little mifed to think three got here first.
Supply Side, n.
That which obviously needs to be applied to the current conservatives, so what happened?
Supply Side, adj.
Unfortunate scheme which fails more often by the false pretense of increasing supply to make the poor richer the poor get poorer buying all that new stuff.
Supply Side, v. The place where the over worked spit on your food all because the head line chef screamed at them after you complained to your waiter that your food service was too slow.
They feed us. They think they're the boss. Woof!
Alice, you must eat at fancy restaurants. The one I worked at we spit anyway. By the way, Alice, since I majored in Economics and all, the real reason it doesn't work is that the supply curve for labor is highly inelastic and even backward sloping according to some studies. If you weren't sleeping before, you should be now.
Woof! Icy!
Supply Side: Currently overshadowed by Bush's latest directive to avoid driving unless absolutely necessary because of the gas situation. Anyone want to carpool to the mall?
Great definitions! Thanks for introducing us to Peter Porcupine, Doug. Looks like good stuff.
So sorry about Game 1. I was so frustrated, just waiting for one more run for the ChiSox! *sigh*
Supply Side,n. Silly economic theory which holds that allowing the rich to have more money, will cause them to save and invest, which will somehow benefit the poor.
See trickle-down economics.
Also see big ol' crock o' shit.
Sar, I call shotgun!
Thanks, Aral. Yeah, I like Peter's site. A little bit of anachronism never hurt anyone, right? I had a bored meeting last night. Left my truck down 1-0, fantasized during the whole meeting what had happened while I was away and got back down 3-2 in the 8th.
TLP, I can't find that in my dictionary. Sounds familiar, though.
for some reason the first thought that came to my mind was my thighs, they're on the side and there's enough to supply. oh and also probably the fact the economics makes no sense in my head and the last time i had anything to do with it was the last semester of senior year of high shcool, nothing from that time makes sense in my head.
for some reason the first thought that came to my mind was my thighs, they're on the side and there's enough to supply. oh and also probably the fact the economics makes no sense in my head and the last time i had anything to do with it was the last semester of senior year of high shcool, nothing from that time makes sense in my head.
supply side economics: During the Reagan years, somebody decided that by letting the rich get richer the benefits would first trickle down to the middle class and then to the poor
So the rich are SUPPLIED with ways to get richer and don't have to stand by the SIDE of the poor--unless they're bussing the tables at restaurants Alice eats in--oh so do I
Rio, nice free-association.
Pia, that all makes sense to me now.
Excellent, a4g, although I half expected you to lecture on the difference between supply-side and trickle-down. Don't know why.
Actonbell, 18th century English writing isn't over your head. Give it a whirl.
Hello, Peter Porcupine.
I'm heading over to peruse your blog.
I am so EXITED to no what evry one's talking about today!!!!!! In fact I just posted about the tricol on thery on Retbutlerical Icy!!!! I feel supply-side makes real good cents because I am happy to be a rich person, but I don't mind if the poor and meek inhairit the earth after I'm done with it!!!!!
Thanks, Jamie Dawn. You're a fine host.
Pansi, you are just the smartest little doll.
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