Monday, December 26, 2005


Magic, n. An art of converting superstition into coin. There are other arts serving the same high purpose, but the discreet lexicographer does not name them.

2005 Update: The evidence of the impossible, trusted by a child hearing a fairy tale or an adult voting their conscience.


Unknown said...

the art of being the first to make it real

Unknown said...

Morning Doug, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday.

Magic - a label applied to that which makes the heart race and the mind dream.

hmmmmmm....the possibilities are endless....

Tom & Icy said...

That's like when humans open cans and doors and make lights go on and off. Woof! Now that's magic!

dddragon said...

Magic: finding a parking spot near the entrance of the store or mall.

Anonymous said...

Magic: the beauty that can come out of trauma

Doug The Una said...

That's pretty deep for a Monday morning, Karma.

I did thanks, Spiritdancer. I hope you did as well. I like your definition.

Icy, Icy. It's the wall gnomes that make the lights go off and on.

Dddragon, I think magic is staying out of the malls.

Beautiful, Pia.

Sar said...

When my little one gets a light scratch, I give it a silly, dramatic wet kiss; then when my little one sees it's disappeared, she says "Mommy made magic!". Now, if only I could channel Mary Poppins' magic and have the house magically clean itself with the snap of my fingers that would be great.

Ariel the Thief said...

"the evicende of the impossible", it's really beautiful

Miz BoheMia said...

Magic~ Love... it has transforming powers, is a great healer and teacher and can bring a soul back into its warm safety from the brinks of insanity... magic!

Magical... the hubby and the babies...

Yeah, corny, I know, but hey!

Omnipotent Poobah said...

magic - It's what I do of course.

Doug The Una said...

Sar, you have the better magic.

Thanks, Ariel, but I have to confess I stole the phrasing from the Apostle Paul. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." You suppose plagiarizing Apostles can get you eternity in the lake of fire?

There's a place for Corny at my table, Miz Bohemia. You can keep it warm for me.

Actonbell, I've been looking forward to your comment on today's topic. You did not disappoint.

Poobah, it sure is. How you get Karl Rove to incriminate himself is something more than a few people would like the secret to.

TLP said...

Magic, n., It requires the suspension of disbelief. For the lucky, it is a miracle.
See, fooled again.

It's not just for children anymore.

mireille said...

what is all around us but seldom perceived; sleight of mind; what is barely seen in our peripheral vision

Anonymous said...

The guy who made the Lakers so great and who was obviously able to take some of his own fairy dust and heal himself!

Yes Virginia, there is a Satire Clause.

Anonymous said...

Magic~ The means by which mothers determine which Christmas presents have been peeked at.


Doug The Una said...

TLP, slaying dragons has become the new welfare reform, hasn't it?

Mireille, it's everywhere you are for sure.

Yay, Mama!

Uh-oh, Logo did Ariella find her bone?

~Daydreamer~ said...

Magic: Love.

Magic, also see illusion and heartbreak.

Thanks for your words dear Doug :)

Jamie Dawn said...

Magic: The wonderful worlds of Harry Potter & Narnia.
I am addicted to both, and still hoping that they might be real. I've been wanting to go to Narnia since I was in the fourth grade.

I hope your weekend was wonderful. I can't listen to the post below because I'm using my son's computer and the sound is not working. Crud!

I'm killing time waiting for my parents and brother to get here. They flew in and will be here in less than an hour. Hooray!!!!!!!!

Fred said...

Magic: Something that has kept my in-laws together for 32 years. Truly not an illusion, but a trick that no one has been able to explain.

Anonymous said...

The art of bypassing rationality by appealing to senses hypnotized by the specious. The stock in trade of politicians.

Doug The Una said...

Marwa, I'm glad you're seeing both sides.

Jamie Dawn, have fun with your family. You guys should all go to Narnia together and get the student-priced tickets.

Fred, don't look at me. I never peek behind the curtain.

Comfort Addict, welcome back!


Magic, n. Preemptive science.


Em said...

2391 AD update. Magic: Finding the elusive House Sparrow, now extinct in North America.

S A J Shirazi said...

Majic: Finding what you want ot and never expected?

Miz BoheMia said...

Has no one said it yet? We all know this to be a fact but has no one dared utter the words?

Leave it all to the bohemian!

Magic~ Doug, your words, Waking Ambrose... this hypnotic hold you have on us through the stories you weave...

Magic~ your generosity and sweet energy reaching us through cyberspace leaving us transfixed and making so many individuals feel oh so special...


*proud to have righted this wrong, bohemian walks away, head held high, makeup intact*

Ariel the Thief said...


Doug The Una said...

Excellent, Gabriel. I wish I'd written it.

Em, that's creative and, I think, funny. I'm laughing, anyway.

Shirazi, that's usually theft but I suppose Magic can be like theft.

Haha, Miz Bohemia. *bows in a courtly manner with no sign of a belly and a sudden growth of pencil-thin moustache*

*gentle slap* It's ok, Ariel, that was just a ladybug on your finger.