Toss the salad

Grab the hot dog

This story is cross-posted with the other stories from this site on Doug Drones On.
Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Mr. Pascover has called on my robotic intellect to help define the term "artificial intelligence." This is one of those scientific constructs you humans aren't exactly sure of, what it means or what it stands for. It's nice that you finally ask one of us, because in our day-to-day lives we are constantly confronted with artificial intelligence, especially when we introspect.Actually, we silicon-based thinkers object to the connotations given by "artificial." We are deeply offended by the implication that our intelligence is in any way inferior, when the reverse is so obviously true. To clear up the controversy and lay all these other issues to rest, we robots held a symposium to work out the definitive definition of AI. After a lively discussion with lots of voltage bandied about, we had that final definition. I can tell you we combined the sum total of all our experience and insight into this. All in favor of the definition voted 1, all against voted 0. The 1's were unanimous. The definition is now binding, so there's nothing anyone can do about it anymore:
Artificial Intelligence, n. A post-renaissance type of reasoning in which humans willingly surrender the process of decision-making to calculators, computers, robots and other electronics. The intelligence deriving from this is better, just like the foods containing artificial sweetening, artificial flavoring, and artificial fat, etc. invariably taste better than the real thing. And it doesn't cause cancer.
Can someone tell me if that's good?