I'm counting on my friends (you) to tell me if this is a good idea. I guess the first question is: Does this work on any computer besides mine? The next question is whether you enjoyed today's post (I got a million of 'em) and could you hear it clearly? Honesty rules and I don't have a voice or personality like Revi so "That's great but could someone else tell the story?" is fine feedback.
As always, when I try to do something new, I go to my smart friend, Tom. If it functions properly, Tom gets the credit. If it works but sucks, that's my fault. Thanks, Tom and Revi.
Poke the dragon

Stroke the caveman

That worked great! If I had a cell phone I'd love to audioblog, so people could hear Pansi's divine voice and Doo-Doo Girl's singing. But they don't call us Weirsdo for nothing.
Anyway, I like it. The Gifs are good, too.
GIFS are great. Bravo.
I can hear it. Didn't get to hear it all, 'cause I'm supposed to be somewhere else right now. But I think I like the idea.
Honestly: The talking voice is fine. Perfectly fine singing voice too, but that's not your key for singing, Doug. Just sayin'.
Us doggies just love it when humans sing and I bet Willie and Walena are in heaven at your house!
Weirsdo, I'm glad. This was done without a phone because I couldn't get Audioblogger to work. Tom & Icy held my hand through the technical part.
Haha, Tan Lucy. There is no key for me to sing in. Just sayin' Thanks, though.
Icy, Willie and 'Lela hear me in the shower and think I'm being et by a bear.
Kudos! Good show & you sound wonderful singing! Couldn't get around to stroking the caveman though.
I could hear it fine. Your voice reminds me of an English teacher I had once.
WOW - a dog that speaks AND sings! Kudos on another uniquely entertaining draw in Blogsphere. :)
Thanks, Manjusha. I count on you to be gracious always.
Lisa, thanks. I think. In either case it's delightful to see you over here.
Sar, you should see when I walk into a bar. Thanks, as always.
Came back and listened to the entire story. Good story, well told.
You actually have a good voice for singing. Nice and full. Just need to pick out a key and stick with it.
Thanks, Tan Lucy. I took your comment as helpful and kindly. I have no idea what a key is or which one I'm using when I sing. I don't think I have any more stories with singing in them, but I'll definitely be in touch before I cut my CD.
This is great! I love it!
It came through loud and clear. I think I heard a dog yelp a few times. Nice vibrato. The story was suspenseful, but I knew you didn't die because you were telling the tale.
Nice, voice. It was quite entertaining.
Keep it up.
A singing post would be good as well.
Maybe we need to require you to write a song every month as well. Might as well go all the way with this.
Aral, Bless you and thanks.
Jamie Dawn, I recorded it in my office. Probably one of my employees. And thank you.
Alice, maybe your boyfriend should write 'em for me :p
love it love it love it, especially the singing. i think the talking voice will come with practice but now i have a whole new reason to look forward to saturdays. thanks for everything- the ri-ster
aww i couldn't hear your voice
:( guess my home pc belongs to that mumching caveman. but i did downl;oad the .pdf. its a nice story. but i still want to listen to your voice waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Very nice, Rio. Thanks.
That's helpful, Actonbell. Does anyone have suggestions for streamlining this?
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet...
I know--SOUND EFFECTS! That's what you need.
Gabe, thanks, I'm not sure either but I'm likely to keep trying for now so if you have a rasberry .wav file, please send it on.
Hi Doug - I found your blog via Tom & Icy. Great stuff. I hope you don't mind if I make random comments here and there.
Fred. any friend of Tom & Icy's is a friend of mine. You have the run of the place.
Ok, I might be the only one that has something negative to say about it. But I live far away and you couldn´t be over here that quick.
The idea is fanatstic, your singing very enjoyable...but what makes story telling great are the little bits of repitition and mumbles, stops....
It very much seems like you read the story from a paper. It was too closely knit...I felt.
Maybe next time you could read it beforehand to get all the details and then tell it just from memory...makes it more like somebody is telling a story, not reading it.
Sorry ??????!!!!!!!
Monika, I don't take that as negative at all, and would like feedback on this: I typed the story (and two more) and then read them because I was concerned that the story be told as quickly as possible. My thinking was that people wouldn't want to spend five minutes on this. When I listened I had the same response you did, that it sounded pretty flat and I did get an email from someone else who agreed also. I actually recorded three of them that way, so next week I'll try to just tell the story and we'll see if that's more fun. Thanks. You weren't the only one to provide constructive criticism and I'm thankful for all of it.
Hey Doug- Yeah I could hear it- nice singing! I think you should just tell it, not read it. You read well but you tell even better! By the way, you forgot the part about when the flashlight went out and Michael was banging on it to make it work. You and I said, "Come on Mike, quit kidding around and turn that flashlight back on!" It took a while to convince me he wasn't just joking! Also, remember the muddy handprint all over us when we got out from hanging onto each other to make sure we either all got out or all fell in the river together? This was fun! What will you tell next???? Nancy
Nancita!!!! Way to cool that you wrote here! See everyone, I didn't eat them!
I forgot the handprint, but actually cut the part of Mike banging the flashlight for time's sake. I just laughed reading it so that was a mistake. You're the third person to suggest that I not read them and the only one who's heard it both ways. The next story was about me and Tim O, but I read it so I might do something else.
Obviously, you should expect to come up a lot. Daffy daring do makes the best stories, and most of my daffy daring did...let's just say you come up.
Was that a dog chirping in the background? If so it covered a word on occasion. - Singing was very good. I'd never try it accapella.
You know, Prying1, I think it was my email client telling me I had no messages. I kind of couldn't bear to listen to it, so the QA wasn't great. Next Saturday's should have replaced the chirp with a host of new glitches.
Looking forward to it! We might as well get as much out of these machines as we can. BEFORE California slides into the ocean...
Haha, Prying, I absolutely agree. You suppose the machines will be behind it when it happens?
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