This week, I'm proud to feature writer and heretic Gabriel C. Zolman. His definition (lightly edited in a losing battle for wholesomeness) is:
Faithful, adj. (1) Optimistically obsessed;
(2) Morbidly obligated.
Example of (1): Via the process of the churched, or the Church of the Process, optimists and sacrifists are one among the faithful.
Example of (2): Late at night, my weary, faithful cat protects my prized butt from the scourge of the Meekmoks.
About Gabriel: Gabriel's site, The Amen Corner, ain't for kids and it's hard on a believing adult. The language is strong, the blasphemy scandalous and his politics would outrage a good conservative Christian and probably embarass a decent liberal atheist. The site is just plain worth reading, though, for the fireworks that arise when a professional writer lets loose the apostosies of a fallen pentacostal.
Gabriel is especially clever with his use of links. Often, his posts will take a long quote from a respected dignitary and churn the words with links which alter the meaning of, distract from or add irony to the words of the elected or dead. It's a very original use of html and he was kind enough to display the product in his definition for today. Gabriel's been one of the most prolific contributors to the comments section of this site, often pitching in alternative definitions I wish I'd written. I have no idea about his personal life, but I worry, son, I worry.
I suspect the picture isn't of Gabriel, but I was so grateful not to receive an animated gif of Jimmy Swaggart and a hooker, I decided to run with it.
Good job, Gabriel Z. I was not embarrassed, but perhaps I did not probe deeply enough. Meekmok!
Nicely done, Gabe! I checked out all of those links -- how twisted! (I mean that in a sincerely complimentary way).
Faithful - blind political allegience where followers are often associated with sheep.
Oooh, 11:11 - make a wish! (only time of day when all 4 digits are the same; I'm kinda silly about numbers that way).
Gabriel, you should know that the word Meekmok has already migrated to Weirsdo's site.
Weirsdo, I said decent liberal atheist.
Sar, baah and I don't think that's silly. The universe was created at 11:11 on April 7.
*big knowing grin*
Sar, I thought so.
a4g, Brilliant.
Faithful, adj.
(1) A parent who continues to believe that things will get less hectic as her children get older
(2) despite learning that being a band parent means you don't get the summer off from school.
Thanks all.
I wish I had finished my post last night--I really wanted something decent to greet the extra traffic, and my last post was lame. Oh well. That's what tonight is for...
We'll have to do this again sometime, Doug...maybe I should have you guest-post over at my site?
Actonbell, lurking is safest. Every time I comment I expect lightning.
Dddragon, I think those kids are overstimulated enough. Just toss 'em some books and games and take the summer off.
Gabriel, nice work and I'll be glad to put you back in for later.
Faithful. adj, a state of being where one believes, due to one’s own personal laziness or apathy , that serious problems in the world and in life in general will turn out for the better thus making it easier not to have to do anything about them; this is convenient as it allows one to sit their fat ass in front of if the news all evening and have their ones non-thinking done for one.
I think I mighthave used the F word here once. I don't feel so bad now.
I might have to link that site.
Alice, that's true and I hope my ex-girlfriend doesn't read it. The comments section is a free-speech zone, by the way.
Little Bar of Soap, I have fantasies about you.
I'd like to see that gif of Swaggart!
Aral, ask Gabriel.
Actonbell, did you notice the cat picture?
Aral: My mother used to work for Jimmy Swaggart. I have a picture, somewhere, of myself hanging out with JS after church. He was signing my Bible :)
Alice In Wonderland (or not): Link away...I can always use the exposure.
Soap: You say that like its a BAD thing...
Wow, Gabriel, what an awesome picture to have of yourself!
I can't believe anyone would actually think they should sign a Bible! Yikes! Now I am off to check out this other site.
Love this site, by the way. I will be back, thanks.
Aral, you too!
JC, welcome back! Yikes indeed!
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