Patriot, n. One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole. The dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors.
2005 Update: A citizen willing to surremder personal morality to public hypocrisy.
Patriot: Crispus Attucks
Happy Independence Day to my American friends and solid intelligence to all.
Today's post comes to you live from Indiana, our nation's...Indiana?
That sounds like unpatriotic patriots. I'm appalled, er, a paw, duh. Corn-fused in Indiana? Shucks, I'd better go back to bed this morning.
Orwellian acts have occured while thinly veiled in this name.
Happy 4th!
Tom, the picture portrays a better example. Probably corn-enamored.
Sar, another definition of patriotism could be the thinnest veil that hides.
Patriot: When applied to an Act, the vilest veil that hides.
Tan Lucy, you can't hide behind a Pez dispenser they know who you are.
Patriot: cannon fodder...
You're holiday wish hit me like a tun of bricks, Mr. Dog!!!!!
That's a great one, Doug!
Unfortunately the current resident of the White House has managed to warp this word....according to him you are only a patriot if you blindly support what he is doing...oh well I guess I am not a patriot...shame on me...
hi, good idea to make a blog about bierce :-)
even here in germany his statements are available + i myself enjoy his intelligent wordings very, very much.
so thanks for your blog, its amusing.
best regards,
norbert sczepansi, cologne, germany
Theodora, often, often. Attucks was musket fodder, but often.
Actonbell, Bierce thought patriotism was the first. Cute Lady? I thought that was Samuel Johnson.
Hi, JJ, I'll be by.
Pansi, I hope that's a good thing. I wish you a happy 5th of July as well.
Aral, thanks!
Spiritdancer, the parade here in Indiana at 3PM revitalized my patriotism. Red skin, white teeth, blue eyes.
Alice, I'll have to try that.
Norbert, Willkommen! Mit freude. Ich bin gemudlich ein Freunde von Koln vertroffen. (Or something like that.) Monika? Help?
Patriot, n. One whose pathology is acceptable in light of their victims.
Lieber Norbert! Doug möchte seine Freude darueber audruecken, dass du seinen Blog besucht hast und er freut sich immer ueber neue Gaeste :)
So! Eine gute Tat fuer heute :)
Happy Independence day to all who are living in the country of the free and home of the brave. I have to smile when I say that.
Gabriel, that one is especially good.
Vielen Dank, meine Freundin. Und wahr. If we smile when we say that they send us back to the salt mines.
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