Saturday, August 06, 2005

Tony and The Bear in The Land of The Cockatoo

Story #4: In which Doug suffers an identity crisis and learns a lesson about male bonding.

Poke the bear to hear the story.

If you want to read the story instead, meet my leetle frien'

Today's story is cross-posted on Doug Drones On along with the first submission from a friend. Thanks, Tom.


Anonymous said...

Very colorful story today. Liked the Aussie accent.

Tom & Icy said...

Yes! Great character portrayal and a lot of action. Really cool!

Sar said...

So you wanna dance, Frank, or do you wanna sit here and have a heart attack? - Scarface

Glad you chose to forgo the heart attack and dance with the bear instead!

(fyi - your link for Tom is comma com instead of dot com, so it's not linking properly.)

dddragon said...

Children use the fist
Until they are of the age to use the brain.

~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Aussies, of course, are exempt.

A Little Bar of Soap said...

My goodness, you spend time with some unsavory characters!

Doug The Una said...

Weirsdo, thanks, but that was supposed to be Malawian. Didn't I mention that Bear was from Malawi?

Thanks, Icy, and tell Tom his story on Doug Drones On is hysterical.

Thanks, Sar, I've corrected it, but the link is to Tom and Icy. You have to find your way to Doug Drones On to hear the story. It'll be worth the walk.

Dddragon, men in general.

Little Bar of Soap, its only gotten worse since then.

Sar said...

I already have, but you're right, it was worth it.

LeMas. said...

Why don't fun things like that ever happen to me?

Lila said...

Cool story!

You look like Al Pacino? I never would have guessed!

Cooper said...

Fist - that which should not be raised in anger but open and extended for friendship or at least truce.

I have a non biological uncle from Australia, although not Queensland, he has also has an external veneer of craziness.

Peace Out

Unknown said...

Well delivered...I have no comment on the word itself, as there is nothing more to say, in my opinion.

Minka said...

We must have gotten our wires crossed, ´cause my comment from this morning did not publish. Anyways, so this is how an American trying to speak with an Autralian accent sound?! I like it a lot.
fist,n. an orange sized piece of meat and bones attached to the human body, designed purely to demonstrate masculine hormones. On females these parts are abitrary and left only to link them to the former species!

Doug The Una said...

Lisa. I seem to recall a curious bruise a week ago.

Aral, that was 40 pounds ago. Now I look like Alfred Hitchcock.

Alice, have you been possessed by Helen? Peace......

Thanks, Spiritdancer. I like the new picture.

So, Monika, you're saying a woman's fist is equivalent to a man's heart. That was supposed to be a Malawi accent.

TLP said...

I do see the resemblance!

Cute story. You've been a few exciting places. Good for you.

Doug The Una said...

It's the floppy ears, isn't it TLP?

Lila said...

Yeah, I can see the Al Pacino now too, Doug! And to think, I thought you'd be indoorsy and pale!

Doug The Una said...

I'm not?

Minka said...

Doug, need their hearts, after all it is cicling all those testosterone filled blood cells around. A woman´s fist is equal to a man´s breasts...I really don´t know why they have those. What purpose do they serve?

Doug The Una said...

So we look better when we cross-dress?

Unknown said...

i love anything connected to Al Pacino (including a fist)!

Doug The Una said...

A henna-ed fist.

Cooper said...

Al is a little old for me but I saw "Dog Day Afternoon" recently (within the last six months) and he was pretty hot looking in that movie.

Jamie Dawn said...

Such violence! I was completely riveted.
Al Pacino vs. Goliath.

Doug The Una said...

Alice, next time I'll sincerely try to be mistaken for someone young and sexy.

Thanks, Jamie Dawn.

Indeterminacy said...

These stories are great! Sorry I havent commented on them until now. As far as I'm concerned you come close to the Cagean style as in the Indeterminacy stories he wrote, but with a little more meaning.

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Indie! I should look those up. Synchronicity of Intedeterminacy is my closest experience.

Indeterminacy said...

My stories are nothing like Cage's. I had thought I would write some realistic snippit that fit the photo I'd found. Something pithy, to make people think. But no matter what I tried, the stories always came out as some kind of bizarre surreality. I've learned to live with it. Still wish I could do it Cage's way.

The Cage site is here.

And keep an eye on The Master Smiled. Those parables have a Zen-like quality not unsimilar to how Cage wrote.