Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Aesthetics, n. The most unpleasant ticks afflicting the race. Worse than wood-ticks.

2005 Update: A meticulously designed lens through which to view disorder.


dddragon said...

Even worse are Aesthetics Committees at a UU church.

Aaargh ... tick, get that report away from me! And leave my Yard Sale flyer on the wall!

TLP said...

Aesthetics, n., A disease that makes one think that they have "taste," rather than merely tasting good.

Tom & Icy said...

appreciating Doug's word art

Minka said...

Yeah, Kant and Baumgarten really hurt us when they came up with this.
Aesthetics: are anaesthetics to all of us that never quite got why the Mona Lisa is so special.

Doug The Una said...

Hee hee, Dddragon.

Haha, TLP! Mmmm. Stylish.

Thanks, Ice. All this time I thought you came here for the scent.

Ooooh, Monika, anaesthetics. I wish I'd thought of that. *claps*

Sar said...

I got nothing. I suppose that means I'm aesthetically challenged?

Cooper said...

A guiding principle which exists only in the head.
It is most often contrived...............unless you are me of course and in that case it is genetic. ;)

Yea I'm number six.

That's petty sad.

Cooper said...

And I can't even count.

Lila said...

You and Bierce both have great definitions today!

Aesthetics, n. Prosthetics for asses?

broadcastellan said...

An apparatus with which to grasp beauty and strangle art.

Miz BoheMia said...

Aesthetics~ a dangerous condition that can trigger a vicious cycle in which people with OCD can OD on their affliction...

Just a guess... my two cents... nothing to do with me... really, truly. Wait, why are you looking at me like that? *bohemian feels self-conscious*

Doug The Una said...

Sar, only from the ankle up, if at all.

Alice, if we all only had your genes. And you are number 6 on the comment list (dawgs don't count) but you rate much better everywhere else.

Heeheeheehee, AP3.

Welcome, Harry, and well done!

Miz B, that would explain the makeup. Bohemians should feel at home here.

Unknown said...

i don't know why everyone is so against things that look so good. i mean, it really tics me off

pnava: anagram of prada

Minka said...

Doug, thank you...it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...

Indeterminacy said...

Aesthetics: The color and design of the Emperor's new suit.

Anonymous said...

Tribe that the Philistines beat every time, even without Goliath.

LeMas. said...

I think indeterminacy's definition is perfect.
aesthetics-admiring the ripples of a shallow lake.

Anonymous said...

Love Tom & Icy's definition

Aesthetics: a form of order in a disordered world

Example:I know that Waking Ambrose will be here five days a week and will (usually) begin my day in a more pleasant way.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

asthetics - The investation of one's posterior with small woodland insects.

Ooo. That's bad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

are we sure THAT is the worse of the ticks?

Doug The Una said...

Karma, fleadom is on the march!

Monika, are you sure you didn't swallow a squirrel?

Haha, a4g. I'm auditing 102.

I like it, Indie. The definition, I mean.

God bless them, Weirsdo.

Poetry, Masil! Nice!

Wow, Pia. I gotta work harder. It's here six.

Doesn't sound like a nice canoe trip, Poobah, no.

Logo, Bierce seems confident. Personally if I had to choose between an aesthetic and a ballistic coming my way, it's a toss-up.

Jamie Dawn said...

Aesthetics: visual judgment in pursuit of that which is not butt ugly


Aesthetics, n. (pl). Fundamentalists, minus the "fun" or "mental" aspects.


Chatham said...

ticks? Sounds like something that afflicts DOGS.

Certainly not cats!

Ariel the Thief said...


I'm with Alice, aesthetics is nothing but our trying to regulate an irregular world.

as for Mona Lisa, it's sometimes cool to like it, other times it's cool to find it dumb, is there anyone that actually has an opinion of that painting?

Doug The Una said...

Haha, Jamie Dawn. I'll try not to take that personally.

Gabriel, I have dalist. After Salvador.

Yes, Chatcat, but since we started using Frontline (TM) Ticks are a thing of the past!

I have an opinion, Ariel. That painting is famous!

Jamie Dawn said...

I think aesthetics is an unnatural word to say. It just doesn't roll off the tongue very easily. Well, at least not for me anyway.

This blog is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I thought maybe Zolman meant Dadaists, Doug.

Doug The Una said...

Well, JD, your sense of aesthetics is beyond reproach.

Thanks, Actonbell are we even for yesterday's?

Weirsdo, thanks.

Doug The Una said...

That's right, Actonbell. Think of what I save in conditioner. AND the highlights are built in.

Ariel the Thief said...

Doug, that is not an opinion but a fact.

Doug The Una said...

Ariel, then I guess "It's in France" wouldn't help much either. How about "I'd like to see her in a sundress." Is that an opinion?

Ariel the Thief said...

no, that only means she's not your mother.

Doug The Una said...

Hahahahaha, Ariel. That's your opinion.

Anonymous said...

The means of the talentless to explain the talented.