Thursday, December 29, 2005


Reckless, adj. Asking a San Francisco girl to take ice cream.

2005 Update: Driving sixty in the central city or eighty in the suburbs, over one hundred miles per hour across the desert or stopping in Nevada.

By the way, Tom's first mass media enterprise is up on Doug Drones On.


Cooper said...

yea first


Discussing politics at a family gathering.

Ha...I'm first.

Happy New Year Dawg.

Sar said...

Reckless: Jack Bauer on 24 and my thoughts pertaining to him. *swoon*

Anonymous said...

reckless: walking down the street in a summer dress while standing over a subway grating

Well Alice took mine ;-)

dddragon said...

Reckless: eating the last Schwartz Marshmallow in the house. Willing to face the consequences when the children find out.

Doug The Una said...

Alice you are first. Wasn't it 2 AM in Hawaii? Crazy kids!

Sar, *snaps fingers*

Pia, I'm glad she did, I love it.

Dddragon! Run!

Chatham said...

Reckless: Giving my younger brother Salem a pill. It took both Cat Couch and Dad to do it this morning. Both came away with scratches.

Cooper said...

I'm not in Hawaii, I on standby for a Friday flight but my real flight is scheduled for Saturday... you want to get rid of me huh? I like to get my goodbyes written early in case of a major cyberspace catastophe.

Doug The Una said...

Chatcat, did Salem catch cat couch with the last marshmallow?

Alice, so glad you're around. My cheek just quit twitching and my hands are steady.

Tom & Icy said...

reckless, going outside my yard alone. Woof!

Kay Richardson said...

Reckless - these here trousers I'm wearing.

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

Really Effusive Cordial Kisses and Loving Eembraces Spewing Syrup

me on me from people I just met during the holidays.

Doug The Una said...

Icy, just look both ways before you cross the street.

Encore, Kay!

Liz, ick. You and Sar should write a book of acronyms. That one goes in it for sure.


Reckless, adj. The act of living dangerously in the age of living vicariously.


Unknown said...

when you don't give a heckless

The Reverent Eater said...

Reckless - Cooking with a bad knee. Ahem.

Doug The Una said...

Fantastic, Gabriel!

Karma, or a feckless.

By golly, Manchego, I think you're the James Dean of Goat Cheese.

mireille said...

Not adhering to: what goes on in the mind stays in the mind. xoxo

Miz BoheMia said...

You said San Francisco! You said San Francisco! *sigh* You sure know how to make a bohemian long for home... that's a good thing...

Reckless... Doug toying with the hearts of San Francisco girls... we don't mind ice cream though... it's all good... so yeah, I'll have some thank you!

Sreekesh Menon said...

My middle name

TLP said...

Reckless, adj., Describing one who gets in and out of the grocery store parking lot without having a wreck.

On your definition, you do mean that going SLOWER than 60 in the L.A. area is asking for it, right?

Omnipotent Poobah said...


Nah, I got nothin'.

Doug The Una said...

I'm a mindreader, Mireille, but a discrete one.

That was Ambrose Bierce, Miz Bohemia, of Meigs County, OH, San Francisco, CA and an unmarked grave in Mexico.

Sreekesh, I thought the R stood for "Recluse"

TLP, that was the first version of the gag. Guess I went the wrong way.

I think it's hard to be reckless while omnipotent, Poobah.

Sar said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sar said...

R ighteous
E fforts
C an't
K ill
L ust
E ven
S mart alec
S napping


Em said...

Reckless: answering the question "does this make me look fat?"

Fred said...

Reckless: Asking a woman if she's prgenant when she's not.

The Reverent Eater said...

Doug? Manchego? James Dean? As in, "Rev. Without a Cause?"

Doug The Una said...

Brilliant, Sar. I'll clap instead.

Rainbow Lotus and Fred, I think you're confusing Reckless with Dumb as a box of rocks.

Manchego, I've spent the last five minutes trying to come up with a worthy retort. Guess I'll just surrender, bow and hope for mercy.

~Daydreamer~ said...

Reckless: The way I feel right now about D. Like Karma put it, I don't give a heckless. LOL.

Happy New Year everyone!! :D

Lila said...

Reckless... don't forget hitchhiking, Doug.

TLP said...

Fred reminded me of an oldie:
"I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?'"

Good definition of reckless or just dumber than dirt? You be the judge. Oh, wait, you judged already on that. My bad.

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Marwa! And that's good news. I'm curious, do you celebrate with us?

Oh, yeah, Aral, heh, forgot about that one.

TLP, that's a goodie!

Minka said...

I am late...I know. but I have been twice first, so I am still in teh good books, right?!
I have used this quote before and I will use it again:
"Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon." Dalai Lama

Unknown said...

oh, but i do give a feckless ;)

Doug The Una said...

Monika, you have no way out of the good books. That's a great quote until you realize it comes from a skinny abstinant.

Hahahaha, Actonbell:
1. Clearly
2. Ah, Rasberries are only a couple bucks a pint this time of year.
3. True, you never know when there might be a blogger about.

Karma, noted.

Anonymous said...

In my case, apparently the word preceding "driving." Happy New Year!

Day by Day said...

Reckless... in the heat of passion, calling out someone else’s name. That's very reckless... :)

Unknown said...

I have been here about ten times today and have never been able to get my comment posted.

Reckless - the act of embracing behaviors/actions that are deemed appropriate by politicians even though they have been demonstrated to produce detrimental results.

See...I was good...I didn't even mention any political fools name...I was thinking it...but I didn't type it....meow.

Cairo The Boxer said...

Wow your pretty cute and your name is Doug! Come check out my site and let me know what you think! :) Woof Woof Woof

Doug The Una said...

Sorry, Princess. In your case, I blame the icy road.

Day by day, welcome back. That would be an example.

Spiritdancer, no need to hold yourself back. There's hardly a politician of any party I would want to defend. Even from canning.

Cairo, be right there. Meow!

Anonymous said...

The abandonement of sense whose exhileration is ended only by disaster.