SEQUESTRATE, v. A legal term for robbing the under dog in the fight.
2009 Update: To privilege with quarantine, isolation or inaccessibility, as a bank fund.
(or on a boat) Happy birthday to Tan Lucy Pez and to Terry.
Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
A hunter from Kew caught a distant view
Of a peacefully meditative gnu,
And he said: "I'll pursue, and my hands imbrue
In its blood at a closer interview."
But that beast did ensue and the hunter it threw
O'er the top of a palm that adjacent grew;
And he said as he flew: "It is well I withdrew
Ere, losing my temper, I wickedly slew
That really meritorious gnu."
—Jarn Leffer
Hail noble fruit! — by Homer sung,2009 Update: The fruit of a tangled vine, by a tangled vine and for a tangled line.
Anacreon and Khayyam;
Thy praise is ever on the tongue
Of better men than I am.
The lyre in my hand has never swept,
The song I cannot offer:
My humbler service pray accept —
I'll help to kill the scoffer.
The water-drinkers and the cranks
Who load their skins with liquor —
I'll gladly bear their belly-tanks
And tap them with my sticker.
Fill up, fill up, for wisdom cools
When e'er we let the wine rest.
Here's death to Prohibition's fools,
And every kind of vine-pest!—Jamrach Holobom
They say that hens do cackle loudest when. There's nothing vital in the egg they've laid;. And there are hens professing to have madeA study of mankind, who say that menWhose business is to drive the tongue or pen. Make the clamourous fanfaronade. O'er their most worthless work; and I'm afraidIn this respect they're really like the hen.Lo! The drum-major in his coat of gold,. His blazing breeches and high-towering cap,Imperiously pompous, "bloody, bold. And resolute"-an awe-inspiring chap!Who'd think this hero's only warlike virtueIs that in battle he will never hurt you?
O Coenobite, O coenobite,2009 Update: A contemplative who leaves town and home in search of community.
Monastical gregarian,
You differ from the anchorite,
That solitudinarian:
With vollied prayers you wound Old Nick;
With dropping shots he makes him sick.
—Quincy Giles
We know better the needs of ourselves than of others. To serve oneself is economy of administration.
In each human heart are a tiger, a pig, an ass and a nightingale. Diversity of character is due to their unequal activity.
There are three sexes; males, females and girls.
Beauty in women and distinction in men are alike in this: they seem to the unthinking a kind of credibility.
Women in love are less ashamed than men. They have less to be ashamed of.
While your friend holds you affectionately by both your hands you are safe, for you can watch both his.
To one who, journeying through night and fog,2009 Update: The sensory engine that pulls us from mistaken to misunderstanding.
Is mired neck-deep in an unwholesome bog,
Experience, like the rising of the dawn,
Reveals the path that he should not have gone.
—Joel Frad Bink
"What is the price of experience? Do men buy it for a song or wisdom for a dance in the street? No! But a pamphlet can be had for mutterings or a slow limp!"-Blake