Monday, May 09, 2005


Bigamy, n. A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy.

2005 Update: A household in which suspicion and disappointment are kept in separate ledgers.


Michael said...

What the hell are you talking about?

dom said...

Bigamy (v.) The small lie every fisherman tells on the size of his catch .

Anonymous said...

cute, very cute

Wardo said...

Yeah, bigamy is bad. One woman is too many.



Bigamy? Nah. But rather large of you.

I suppose "bigamy" could also be a verb, in the conjugal sense.

Bigamy, n. Illegal pursuit of alleged gold mine, involving multiple shafts.


Bigamist, n. (see Masochist).


M said...

Aye Gabriel.

Bigamist: One who won't let bad enough alone

Doug The Una said...

Wow, I might write sucky posts every day. Good job, friends!
Myrrander, Who the hell knows. Hope it's better now.
Dom, way to stay out of the darkness!
Pia, bless you for seeing the witty man behind the dumb post.
Argus, I'm not sure you're right but why take chances.
Gabriel, great puns. Good, even, that's a rare quality in Puns.
Manjusha, that's the one I wish I'd written.

Anonymous said...

Bigamy: When someone goes amiss by making Mrs. of two misses.

Doug The Una said...

Bill, you did it again

Lumbergh-in-training said...

Bigamy is one wife too many, monogamy is the same

Hobbes said...

Dear Mr. Dog,
Please don't be upset with all women because I rejected you. I'm sure one day you'll meet the right one or two for you!

you're freind always, PANSI

Doug The Una said...

Lumbergh, that's a good one.
Pansi, I'll love you until I die. I can only hope to find comfort in promiscuity.

Sreekesh Menon said...

he shoots himself loud, then shoots himself quiet! dead before the third or enlightened?

Doug The Una said...

Sreekesh, that's why warning shots are so important.