Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Poverty, n. A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform. The number of plans for its abolition equals that of the reformers who suffer from it, plus that of the philosophers who know nothing about it. Its victims are distinguished by possession of all the virtues and by their faith in leaders seeking to conduct them into a prosperity where they believe these to be unknown.

2005 Update: The product of a rich imagination


Indeterminacy said...

Subtle and brilliant!

Mr. Outrageous Ebay Auctions said...

You have a really nice blog. I found you while surfing with blogexplosion.

Doug The Una said...

Inde, thanks and cheers
livinglikekings, thanks for the kind words. Drop by again.
Site Author, they're piling up. Living like kings also writes another couple of good blogs.


Poverty, n. A form of Zen in which the practitioner is unaware of the practice.


Poverty, n. (vulgar) A glass half empty for those who are parched; a glass half full for those who do the dishes. See also: desire.


The Light Fantastic said...

Sorry for the ignorant comment. I understand now that the "2005 update" is a current update to the Devil's dictionary, not like what webster says.

The Light Fantastic said...
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The Light Fantastic said...

currently seeking to increase my vocabulary (I subscribe to's "word of the day" -- yea, snort, tooting my horn!), I have found your blog enlightening -- I am adding a link to your blog on my blog. (I'm a geek!)

sk8rn said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. I just happened upon your blog today. Am very intrigued by your genre of writing. Very creative idea.

Doug The Una said...

Light, no need to apologize. I don't bother with taglines much myself. And we're all geeks around here. Do NOT recommend improving your vocabulary at this site. For entertainment purposes only ;)

sk8rn, thank you for your kind comment.

Anonymous said...

Good one, Doug. My take: an absence of which no heart is fond.

Unknown said...

excellent one :))

Doug The Una said...

Comfort addict, once again, you're the son Bierce always wanted.

Thanks, K

The Light Fantastic said...

Thank-you Doug for that snippet of wisdom. I looked into Julian of Norwich and added her "Revelations of Love" to my Froogle wish list.

Doug The Una said...

Light, from your blogs I think you'd like Showings as well.

M said...

Having too much month left at the end of the money?

Rohit said...

brilliant as usual!

Doug The Una said...

Yeah, Manjusha, I usually get there around the 3rd

Thanks, Rohit!