Friday, May 27, 2005


Resolute, adj. Obstinate in a course that we approve.

2005 Update: Indifferent, insular and in charge.


Indeterminacy said...

I like this definition.

Here's my try:

Keeps clicking mouse, even though Windows has long since stopped responding.

Helen said...

This is interesting. I'm wondering how one can be indifferent and in charge at the same time. I'll consider the deeper meaning with which it was most likely intended. Still, it caught me off guard.

Anonymous said...

Lacking a lighthouse, I take it.
FYI: I'm posting a review of this site sometime late tonight.

Doug The Una said...

Inde, just using Windows is a fine example.

Helen, I'm an Executive responding to you during work hours. Believe me, it's possible.

Weirsdo, a lighthouse, a rudder, a sense of direction, a destination and the sense to keelhaul the captain.
I'm honored and touched, if it's a good review I may weep.

Tom & Icy said...

When the dog's tail is unwavering the dog is resolute.

Sunil Natraj said...

Isn't it strong willed?

Doug The Una said...

Tom & Icy, you've never seen a dog more resolute than Willie (who looks just like me, by the way) when his tails wagging.

Well, yeah, actually, Sunil, if you're going to get all Noah Webster on me.

Sreekesh Menon said...

four score and foursquare away?

Doug The Una said...

Sree, is that 96 or 7056?

Anonymous said...

Focused to the exclusion of all feeling and reason. See synonyms at psychotic.

Doug The Una said...

Comfort Addict, Haldol for resolution?