Monday, May 23, 2005


Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.

2005 Update: An enthusiast of irony who weighing society's finds it wanting.


Indeterminacy said...

Hey, I've been meaning to send you this link for some time but never got around to it. The fellow has a book out called The Cynic's Dictionary.

M said...

One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.

Unknown said...

why am i always wanting?

Doug The Una said...

Inde, thanks for the tip. That was the first title that The Devil's Dictionary was printed under. Apparently Bierce's publisher was worried that the title "The Devil's Dictionary" was insensitive. Apparently, the publisher hadn't looked inside either.

Manjusha, that's what I wish I'd written. Brilliant!

Karma, I can't imagine.

Sunil Natraj said...

Cynic: ME!

Indeterminacy said...

Cynic: One who calls a pessimeist an optimist.

Indeterminacy said...

Cynic: An optimist who can't type.

Anonymous said...

oh were you talking about me?

Sreekesh Menon said...

political philosopher!

Doug The Una said...

Sunil, please, first-person plural.

Inde, Good definition in the first case. Rest assured, typos and misspelling are as welcome as wit on this site.

Pia, may as well have been. OK, now the serious answer: of all the people I've met online no-one looks life straighter in the eye than you, so, no.

Doug The Una said...

Sree, we crossed in the ether! The two are cousins but not friendly.


Cynic, n. An optimistic sadist.


Doug The Una said...

Gabriel, who are you calling optimist?
Bobby, thinking isn't really what I do but I did read the post and commented. Thanks for following Gabriel over here and leaving the link. I promise if I find "Mainstream Media" in The Devil's Dictionary to write something snarky.

Anonymous said...

my mother calls me a cynic i always though it a compliment

Doug The Una said...

And well you should, Andria

zydeco fish said...

My fav def of cynic is from Oscar Wilde:

" who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing."

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Zydeco, Wilde was a brilliant wit and that is a favorite of mine too.

Anonymous said...

One who sees a bright side in the dark side and vice versa.

Doug The Una said...

Comfort Addict, we all started out with the x-ray specs from the comic books.

Golf Grouch said...
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Doug The Una said...

Grouch, then you're late.

Anonymous said...

Guess i'm a cynic...

Doug The Una said...

Jo, it's good to finally meet one.