Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Lighthouse, n. A tall building in which the government maintains a lamp and the friend of a politician.

2005 Update: A state-owned source of illumination with a narrow beam that spins. The precursor to homeland security. Valued mainly by those at sea.


Anonymous said...

In other words, valued by all of us, but especially those in charge of homeland security.


Lighthouse, n. Cyclopean light-bearer beloved by seamen and feared by paranoiacs.


Sunil Natraj said...

House of Parliament?? During sessions.. its light allright..

Sunil Natraj said...

House of Parliament?? During sessions.. its light allright..

Unknown said...

Love it...you always seem to find some interesting ways to look at things...

Doug The Una said...

Weirsdo, I think that's a fair diagnosis.

Gabriel, I think I missed the lighthouse phobia. Explain?

Sunil, yes, yes, I agree, I agree. Now if they could do something about the microphone stands.

Thanks, spiritdancer. I like the new picture.

Doug The Una said...

Well, stop by, Tina. I'll leave the searchlight on.

Sar said...

So, here I am again. This time I rated you on BE (Original and Good Writing). I'm sure I'll be back soon! :)

Doug The Una said...

Thanks so much, Sar!

Sar said...

You're so welcome! (I've also blogrolled you.)

Anonymous said...

i love it! hah!

barbara said...

you're so right! we'll conquer the world!! lol =)


Deek Deekster said...

Lighthouse, n. Not a heavy dwelling

Lumbergh-in-training said...

1984 update: lighthouse - a place of no darkness

Doug The Una said...

Sar, thanks again, and bring your friends, Strider and Sam

Thanks, Rohin!

Barbara, we should meet in the Azores

Funny, Deek!

Lumbergh, but how do they darken the day.

Lumbergh-in-training said...

Read 1984

Doug The Una said...

Lumbergh, I did but the book was still post-dated at the time. Enlighten an old thought criminal.

Anonymous said...

Hope for the lost, oft forgotten once out of peril.

Doug The Una said...

Lighthouse? What lighthouse? I'm Mister Sextant!