Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Friday, October 29, 2010
PILLORY, n. mechanical device for inflicting personal distinction- prototype of the modern newspaper conducted by persons of austere virtues and blameless lives.
2010 Update: v.t. To redistribute disdain. To shield a pig with a goat.
Well hell these goddam zombie spammers are spookin' every stinkin' website that exists in the entire crap galaxy we have the miserable fortune to live in! I might as well just plagerize Ambrose Bierce. And my own G.D. self!
A Needless Labour
AFTER waiting many a weary day to revenge himself upon a Lion for some unconsidered manifestation of contempt, a Skunk finally saw him coming, and posting himself in the path ahead uttered the inaudible discord of his race. Observing that the Lion gave no attention to the matter, the Skunk, keeping carefully out of reach, said:
"Sir, I beg leave to point out that I have set on foot an implacable odour."
"My dear fellow," the Lion replied, "you have taken a needless trouble; I already knew that you were a Skunk." .. 2010 Moral Update: Some thing or other like if a tree falls in the forest it is essential that some one actually cares that it did. ..
Pillory: an armory for my pills
Have a Happy Halloween! :)
Hello,everybody,the good shoping place,the new season approaching, click in. Let's facelift bar!
Well hell these goddam zombie spammers are spookin' every stinkin' website that exists in the entire crap galaxy we have the miserable fortune to live in! I might as well just plagerize Ambrose Bierce. And my own G.D. self!
A Needless Labour
AFTER waiting many a weary day to revenge himself upon a Lion for
some unconsidered manifestation of contempt, a Skunk finally saw
him coming, and posting himself in the path ahead uttered the
inaudible discord of his race. Observing that the Lion gave no
attention to the matter, the Skunk, keeping carefully out of reach, said:
"Sir, I beg leave to point out that I have set on foot an implacable odour."
"My dear fellow," the Lion replied, "you have taken a needless trouble; I already knew that you were a Skunk."
2010 Moral Update: Some thing or other like if a tree falls in the forest it is essential that some one actually cares that it did.
PILLORY: A device for holding a kid still while you give him his medicine.
You too, Jim and remember your Sunday pills.
Karen, that was well done. Both the spam and the fable.
TLP, what if you run out of medicine? Can you still use it?
Medicine? What if October 2010 runs out of Fridays?
And thanks for the compliment. I thought it was well done, too.
It sounds like a good threat to have outside your house if you have children.
Thanks for thiis blog post
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