Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
QUALIFICATION, n. Being a cousin of the president's tailor.
2008 Update: A caveat on a promise, most often tacit. A credential.
Qualification: The bar set in order to proceed or belong
To belong to Truffles Ladies United, a woman must consume two or more chocolate truffles per day for a minimum of six weeks, after which she usually qualifies for Weight Watchers.
???Qualification???---why is it when crap hits the fan,,all the "experts" are gathered to sort it out,when in fact ,these experts were the ones who caused the original problems---Quack,Quack......Peace
Anonymous, so QUALIFICATION, n. A credential for catastrophe?
Dr. Strator, you bring to mind a conversation I had with your colleagues at Emory as to whether they would grant my degree if I didn't attend graduation. It was a much longer conversation than I had anticipated.
wink wink
I have some reservations about this word.
Qualification: Thank goodness for 'honest' and wise tailors, I had begun to think no one had presidential qualifications anymore!
hey, is this the same tailor who stitched the emperor's new clothes as well?
hcdmt: how coarse, dammit!
Qualification, what we have after but are asked for before.
Qualification: The bar set in order to proceed or belong
To belong to Truffles Ladies United, a woman must consume two or more chocolate truffles per day for a minimum of six weeks, after which she usually qualifies for Weight Watchers.
qualification,n. an incentive that sparks imagination and over-estimated self worth
Woof woof, Icy.
TLP, not to worry. You're retired from a government job and it shouldn't come up.
Just tailors, Jim.
Karma, undoubtedly and you look great in them.
Ariel, it's kind of a problem, huh?
JD, I wish you a long list of members with your name on every page.
Minka, does that making leaving the first comment a qualification?
I like TLP's non-definition.
No, it means making the last comment worth the journey!
Pia, yours is good, too.
Minka, that is some qualification indeed.
Maybe so, maybe not, Actonbell.
???Qualification???---why is it when crap hits the fan,,all the "experts" are gathered to sort it out,when in fact ,these experts were the ones who caused the original problems---Quack,Quack......Peace
Formal administrative approval.
Anonymous, so QUALIFICATION, n. A credential for catastrophe?
Dr. Strator, you bring to mind a conversation I had with your colleagues at Emory as to whether they would grant my degree if I didn't attend graduation. It was a much longer conversation than I had anticipated.
I had no qualification with which to appear in the comments today.
But here you are! :-)
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