Saturday, May 28, 2005


Befriend, v.t. To make an ingrate.

2005 Update: To add to one's jurisdiction.

SPECIAL COMING ATTRACTIONS: "Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me." Thank you to Weirsdo of The Pansi Files for not being an egotist and writing your reviews of this site, Synchronicity of Indeterminacy and Tom & Icy. I think those authors would agree with me as to your generosity.

"Critic, n. A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries to please him." Weirsdo, you are far too generous, incisive and articulate to be called a critic, but I'll plagiarize you if anyone asks me what this site is about. Enjoy your vacation, and I hope this site continues to please you.

P.S. Sorry about the gender confusion, it's Bierce not me.

SPECIAL MINI-REVIEW: I would like to share my experience reading The Pansi Files. I tracked back from one of the first comments left on this site. The Profile showed a garishly made-up plastic doll and contained a bio that Pansi had worked as a cheerleader, mom and exotic dancer and was 17, I had seen enough blogs to know that some people use dolls, cartoons, or celebrities in lieu of their picture and I read what I thought was a personal journal. When I read Pansi's files I let out a sincere "that's f***ed up." I continued reading and the posts included offhand comments about children run over by cars, husbands dying and the like. There were also references to Alabama and Florida. As a recovering Georgian, that allowed me to continue suspending my disbelief and to read on, mortified and thinking sanctimonious thoughts about how some people should not breed. When I finally got the context I threw my head back in a laughter that finally tapered off into "that's so brilliant."


Anonymous said...

Clothing our own need for companionship in the guise of offering it to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Comfort Addict: That's too cynical for me right now.
Doug: You're welcome again, and how funny. Thanks for elaborating on your earlier comment about "getting it." I like to think of Pansi and friends as a homeschooling values clarification program.

Unknown said...

it is my good fortune to have befriended you

Doug The Una said...

And mine that you did, Karma. Sarcasm again on Monday?

Tara Tainton said...

Doug, thanks for recommending the link. I spent 4 years of my childhood in Alabama. ;)

Doug The Una said...

Tara, delighted you left a comment. You'll love the site.

Tom & Icy said...

Icy thinks you are saying humans befriend dogs to gain their loyalty and obedience.

Doug The Una said...

Tom, tell Icy that I've had two dogs for the last six years who haven't obeyed a command yet, and the Beagle leaves me for every ten-year-old girl he meets.

Me, either, Abraham. I think it's because they don't edit.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for starting each entry! If we're talking jurisdiction as in power, I've always thought those with the most friends have the most power. groovebunny

Doug The Una said...

Groovebunny, delighted you stopped by. However you read it is fine, juris is the root for judgement and diction to speak.

Doug The Una said...

Thank you, Shellubra, for the nice thoughts. Bet your word-a-day calendar defines things differently, though.

Well, Kate, I'm delighted providence brought you here. Glad you like it. quirkiness is kind of a specialty of the house.

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog. I should come here more often :) Your comments always make my day Doug! And by the way, you can have all the brownies you want, that's for sure ;)

Doug The Una said...

Marwa, delighted you dropped by. Especially today, I'm sort of hungry.

Doug The Una said...

I agree with you, Deb. Absolutely.

Indeterminacy said...

I was flabbergasted by the kind review at Pansifiles. The site showed up one day in my random referrals in its first days. The simplistic Barbie perspective worked so well, it really was fun to read, and had me in stitches. My first impression was that it was a site put together by some very clever high school students. And I feared with all its promise, it would only be around a few weeks, and the author would lose interest. I'm so glad I was wrong about that!

Doug The Una said...

Nowadays, Inde, the Barbie perspective is at least average. That said, it's heady stuff reading a review of your own site, especially given that in my case, the review was more thoughtful than the reviewed. I agree about her review of your site, though. Just couldn't have put it as well.