KRISHNA, n. A form under which the pretended god Vishnu became incarnate. A very likely story indeed.
2007 Update: An ox-herder who was born a deity and conquered demons to become a prince of men. This remains the standard political biography, except that in modernity the demons are consulted instead.
Krishna, the Pan of Hinduism?
Krishna: Just another pretty avatar.
Much more colorful than any of ours.
Krishna - Airport performers with cool top knots.
Hari Krishna: Krishna....a chant that can leave me longing for air even if I'm out of doors
However seen from a hotel room on Venice Beach, they become a beautiful horde
Sacred-Cow Herder
Wasn't he the god of beatles?
The demons, Doug? That's no way to talk about the Christian Coalition! That will get you damned to Huckab ... er, to perdition.
KRISHNA, n. prop.. Pitchman for hair restorer. That's why they call him Hairy, isn't it? No, wait, that's Harry. Harry Krishna, the Bollywood version of Harry Potter. Sorry. My bad.
Krishna: A man ultimately judged by western society by the nature of his friends more than his actions.
Given his claimed actions, this is entirely understandable.
Krishna: A vibrant, colorful, Hindu deity who blesses early-onset curmudgeons on Thursdays.
krishna: the eighth coming.
Isn't he a girl? Oh. no, he's blue. Must be a boy. Good fashion sense, though.
strangely enough, the mother of a good friend of mine is called Krishna. She's a bit scary, just like her namesake!
demons consulting demons...
somewhat illustrates
The Law Of Attraction...
OM liking that colourful
picture of the blue
flute playing lady...
nice horn, too...
love the necklace
hanging off the end of it.
why didnt i think of that?
Krishna: the original pied piper?
This is how mature I am when I saw the word was Krishna...
Mom: "Brandon, don't you come home without your brother, or I'll commit Hare Krishna!"
Brandon: "That's 'Harry Carry', ma."
Mom: "That's exactly what I said!"
Ahh the Goonies.
Krishna: The one who gives meaning to kltumxj and other word verification expressions.
Like Quilly said: I learned everything I know about Krishna from George Harrison in "My Sweet Lord".
Minka, would that make him the man who put the pan in pantheist?
I don't know, TLP. Orange kinda suits you.
Hare, hare, Joel.
That was well-phrased, Pia.
Oh, good, anonymous! I hope I don't offend any Indians, but that makes Krishna the first political campaign spouse.
Which year, Quilly?
Amoeba, that may be exactly how to talk of the coalition.
Morgan, when your friendship can make a monkey a deity you have no one to apologize to. Except, maybe the zookeeper.
Hare Jamie!
Mule, have you noticed how quick Hindus are to return?
Well, Nessa, the less said about that the better, probably, if you know what I mean.
Kyah, is she blue?
JJ, that's a boy, but, yes, opposites attracts and so do demons.
Puppy, the roan piper?
Funny, Jenna.
Indie, you might be thinking of Karma.
Swami Yogeshanharrison? Plausible.
Yes -- but were the ox consulted...
no, brown ;-)
hmm, it did occur to me
that she was a he
upon closer examination,
and by that, i mean
nothing personal or irreverent,
of course...
more anatomical, i suppose...
well, he sure is purdy...
and well adorned too, i might add.
om shanti mi padre
instead of mi madre,
i reckon.
Hi Doug, Jamie Dawn wrote of her nice visit with you and invited her readers to look over here.
You guys sure had a nice visit.
I don't know about Krishna (god of love) to write but it sure did ring the bell for me with Hare Krishna.
Since I don't know much about Krishna and I like Kilt better, I can relate to that one.
My ham radio call letters and Mustang license plates are K1TLT. Kilts always remind me of that call, as does our local radio station, KILT.
People mix me up with a KILT DJ quite regularly.
You have a nice blog here, wished I had thought of the idea first.
Krishna... damn bastardo lord o' brainwashing that turned my former-drug-addict-but-no-longer-so cousin S into a brainwashed-no-free-will-no-cognitive-NOTHING baaa-baaaing sheep of a blank-expression-dull-faced-totally-lacking-in-personality follower!
Though colorful and pretty, IT'S ON between us FO SHO!
Come on Krishna! Let's take it outside!
Or maybe 'tis best to give Cousin S a smack upside the head... that'll fix him!
Just-'cause-I-am-a-rusty-ranter-so-this-is-why-'tis-so DISCLAIMER: BoheMians have no problem with individuals having a spiritual practice or discipline... 'tis when the loss of personality and free will occur that they will go ape, um, doodoo on the matter and want to smack all [read-the-cousin-S-description-above-'cause-I-am-running-out-of-hyphens] individuals upside the head... so BEWARE and claim not that there is a conspiracy against Hare Krishnas by, *GASP*, anthropologists (!!!) who "lied" and "buried evidence" by claiming that modern man appeared unto the scene between 150,000-200,000 years ago as it is "common Krishna knowledge" that this occured over a million years ago in "actuality" and such nice sounding bull, um, doodoo... or else!
End of disclaimer...
Can you tell it has been a nutty day? Oy!
Mutha, the ox report. You decide.
Well then, Kyah, she's not a deity. Feel free to talk back.
Me too, Actonbell, from thirty years back to this very day.
JJ, well adorned, well appointed and blue. I know what that means and think you do too.
Welcome, Jim. No need to think of anything first. These are blogs.
More than that, hermana, I can tell it's been a nutty day in San Francisco.
heh... roan piper? yeah, i suppose. or, maybe the Roan Ranger. (i was going for something colorful, you were going for something with hoofs) ; )
Neva, seems like everyone's either looking for a savior or something with hooves.
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