Thursday, November 03, 2005


Executioner, n. A person who does what he can to abate the ravages of senility and reduce the chances of being drowned.

2005 Update: In the complex of law, law-making, law-enforcement and judicial review, the functionary whose role is clear and whose product is clarity.

Weirsdo has contributed another audiobiography to Doug Drones On.


Sar said...

Executioner - Mere Mortals Playing God

ibypjssy - I buy sassy jammies

Anonymous said...

Or gods playing mortals: "Like flies to wanton boys are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport" (LEAR; from memory).

Semisweet1 said...

What about those old-time executioners, whom you had to tip prior to the big event to ensure they made it all the way through in one stroke? Didn't some American Revolutionary say, "Give me bureaucracy, or give me death?" No, I mangled that.

Unknown said...

a mere tool; a faithful servant; point 'b' between point 'a' and point 'c'. as in, 'don't kill the messenger'.

alas, their's not to question why

zicoal: what they call diamonds in Zambia

TLP said...

Executioner,n., A horticulturist in the garden of life. One who weeds out those judged undesirable by society. See Poor.

Doug The Una said...

Sar, that's a pretty amazing counterpoint.

I'm a big, slow-moving target, too, Weirsdo.

S, it wasn't you that mangled it. You're just the candymaker.

Funny, Karma. I knew they didn't call them "mine."

TLP, you're such a pinko! Off with her head! *gallic laughter*

Cooper said...

Executioner, n

The mere mortal, (who realizes now he should have gotten a college degree), who some higher power uses to do the scut work after the final judgement.

AsianSmiles said...

someone who really, really prays that there is no reincarnation.

Tom & Icy said...

Gets the last word in an argument

Doug The Una said...

Sometimes you don't want to be right, huh, Actonbell?

Hahaha, Alice. I got a college degree so I could quit the scut work. DIdn't work.

Or heaven or judgement, Asiansmiles. A fervent and prayerful atheist. a4g, what do you do for a living, anyway?

Depends, Icy. Is AAAAAAAA*gurgle* a word?

Anonymous said...

Executioner, n. An unfavorable critic, whose review is final.

Minka said...

weirsdo: That is my favourite Shakespeare play is brilliant.
executioner: very skinny guy, equipped for harvesting what the Lord above has sowed

Doug The Una said...

Andrew, two thumbs way down.

Monika, shakespearean twice.

Logophile said...

executioner~job of the parent figuratively speaking, along with judge and jury, thereby ensuring each generation has ample reason to support the mental health community.

Fred said...

Executioner: Those appointed to carry out the commands of the President. See vice-president.

Doug The Una said...

Ariella, you forgot Papparazzi.

See Fred, in the good old days they were mainly responsible for floral arrangements.

Lila said...

I'm way too tired to be clever (it's 1 a.m. here), but great definition! I've enjoyed the comments, too.

Doug The Una said...

Thanks, Aral.

""Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."- Samuel Johnson

Anonymous said...

One who punishes someone for performing an act by performing the act himself. I guess you had to be there.

S A J Shirazi said...

As usual. I am enjoying this string ;-)

AsianSmiles said...

"Or heaven or judgement, Asiansmiles. A fervent and prayerful atheist. a4g, what do you do for a living, anyway?"

Ahm... hi Doug. Sorry I didn't respond to this, it took me a while to gather my guts. I don't know if this is a question for me (I don't know what a4g is, and I don't know if this is "for" a4g, the other blogger). lol.

anyway, I already retired from working as an accountant/finance officer so I am now a full time houseslave.. j/k. I do online bookkeeping and finance consultancy jobs (small scale), then do some work on my husband's website. Does cheering for my pokerplayer husband count?

:D sorry for the delayed response, i really don't know if it was for me or for a4g.

have a nice day Doug. (I'm learning a lot from your site btw).

Doug The Una said...

Naw, Comfort Addict, I follow.

Thanks, Shirazi.

Sorry, Asiansmiles. a4g is a reader. His handle translates to "atheist for god." I paraphrased your definition as a fervent atheist, I was kidding a4g that he might be an executioner. That said, thanks for answering. Not a thing wrong with your answer, though. I knew you were at home from your site, but I enjoy getting to know you better.

My verifier is "gmail" Not an accident I don't believe.